of the ASTAP, Astrometric stacking program
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ASTAP 2025-02-08 Fixed photometry annotation for drift. Improved messaging in report.
ASTAP 2025-02-05 Some textual corrections
ASTAP 2025-02-04 Development version. Improved messaging photometry tab. Fixed visual alignment photometry images.
ASTAP 2025-02-03 Development version. Large overhaul photometry tab
ASTAP 2025-01-30 Development version. Add a batch menu to measure SQM to the lights tab.
ASTAP 2025-01-26 For photometry reduced standard deviation of ensemble by
applying weight factor. Fixed problem SQM measurement for MacOS only.
ASTAP 2025-01-22 Development
version. Fixed displaying colour icons for very high DPI settings. Improved optional sharpness reporting.
ASTAP 2025-01-16 Development
version. Allowed dropping directories on the stack list. This will add
all files of the directory and subdirectories to the list.
ASTAP 2025-01-13 Adapted to the photometry report to the new AAVSO application for uploading observations. Improved
weight factor in stacking. Replaced red-cousin filter from RC to R.
Allowed smaller font for annotation photometry.
ASTAP 2025-01-10 Development version. Improvement novae detection.
ASTAP 2025-01-09 Development version. Added batch routine for nova detection batch to popup menu tab lights.
ASTAP 2025-01-07 Development version. Removed nova search based on reference image. Will instead use Gaia database as a reference.
ASTAP 2025-01-04 Development version.
ASTAP 2025-01-03 Development version. First version with experimental tab for Nova search.
ASTAP 2025-01-02 Development version. Some minor fixes for restructured code.
ASTAP 2025-01-01 Development version. Fixed missing background value in the SQM report for DSLR images only. Large restructuring of the code.
ASTAP 2024-12-19 Fixed
a photometry problem when using the online database and a drift
occured triggering an update of the online database. Fixed batch
solving TIFF files.
ASTAP 2024-12-12 For photometry improve the reporting of saturated stars.
ASTAP 2024-12-11 Development version. Fixed a problem with batch routine for tilt measurement.
ASTAP 2024-12-06 Development version. Minor change in report if star(s) are saturated.
ASTAP 2024-12-05 Fixed a AAVSO report problem for manual star selection.
ASTAP 2024-12-04 Development version. Allowed sigma clip average method for option "solar drift compensation".
ASTAP 2024-12-03 CCD inspector now adds keyword TILT to the header.
ASTAP 2024-11-30 Fixed an old alignment problem for astrometric aligned stacking.
ASTAP 2024-11-29 Development version. Fixed a problem with egain setting for photometry. Fixed astrometric stacking for flipped images. Fixed a proommand-lineblem for solar drift compensation,
ASTAP 2024-11-28 Development version. Extended astrometric_alignment with the option to enter solar movement rate (solar drift compensation).
ASTAP 2024-11-18 Modified TIFF unit allowing up to 2gbyte unpacked
ASTAP 2024-11-17 Fixed
displaying scanned plates of 27000x27000 pixels. Added possibility to
bin more then 4x4. Fixed some problems in batch menu.
ASTAP 2024-11-14 Photometry, added an option to copy the data with swapped rows and columns (shift+ctrl+C)
ASTAP 2024-11-13 Fixed
a problem with photometry option measure all. Code optimisation for tab photometry.
ASTAP 2024-11-09 Fixed
a major problem with analysing darks and flats. fixed a major problem with SQM reporting.
ASTAP 2024-11-06 Fixed
a major problem with astrometric aligned stacking which was
present since 2024-03-11. Fixed for Mac version text colouring manual
ASTAP 2024-10-23 Fixed
a problem for limiting magnitude if MZERO is in the header. If
photometric calibration is used then keyword LIM_MAGN and value is
added to the header.
ASTAP 2024-10-21 Improvements in tab photometry.
ASTAP 2024-10-19 Development version. Allowed more then one com star in photometry tab. Fixed airmass in batch menu.
ASTAP 2024-09-25 Added an option to sort alphabetically in the photometry tab
ASTAP 2024-08-29 Corrected text positioning in inspector.
ASTAP 2024-08-21 Fixed a problem in manual alignment.
ASTAP 2024-08-20 Development version. Changed text positioning in inspector.
ASTAP 2024-08-19 Development version. Minor change in location of inspector triangle font.
ASTAP 2024-08-17 Development version. Major changes in photometry tab. Available for Windows and Linux_older versions.
ASTAP 2024-08-15 Refreshed MaxOS M1 executable.
ASTAP 2024-08-14 Photometry, large modification. Added the option for a
comparison star. For Mac fixed icons in listview menu.
ASTAP 2024-08-11
Development version. some minor improvement in photometry "measure all".
ASTAP 2024-08-01
As v2024.07.27
ASTAP 2024-07-27
Development version. Improved photometry for handling wide field images.
ASTAP 2024-07-26
Fixed a bug in the photometry tab occurring after loading a second series.
ASTAP 2024-07-25
Major update for photometry tab.
It can now measure non-AAVSO stars in bulk. So there are three photometry modes:
All AAVSO annotations
All stars up to number....
For the last two modes, the stars are listed in the AAVSO report
sorted on standard deviation. Descending for Var and ascending for check
ASTAP 2024-07-21
Development version More changes in photometry part.
Added sigma value of each star for "meausre all" mode. Corrected problem reading FITS files of format +32 bit integers.
ASTAP 2024-07-20
Development version Changes in photometry part. Fixed reading +32 format FITS files.
ASTAP 2024-07-17
Development version Some changes in selecting the reference frame in tab photometry.
ASTAP 2024-07-08
Fixed missing popup menus in tab light and tab photometry!! (Since v2024.07.06)
ASTAP 2024-07-06
Fixed doubling in the photometry mag 15 database. Fixed a Linux
runtime error for variable star annotation. Added font size for
variable star annotation.
ASTAP 2024-07-04
Added star proper motion correction for variable stars. If used
download update local variable star database down to magnitude 15.
Fixed fatal error in armhf (arm 32 bit) version.
ASTAP 2024-07-02 Development version. Improved photometry tab code and processing.
ASTAP 2024-06-29 Fixed some major run time errors in the photometry tab.
ASTAP 2024-06-25 Finalised large code modification. Fixed some things in the photometry tab.
ASTAP 2024-06-24 Development version. Very large source modification in the header handling. Please report any bug.
ASTAP 2024-06-22
Large revamp photometry routine. Added Catmull-Rom spline routine for resizing in tab pixel math 2
ASTAP 2024-06-14
Minor changes. Made ASTAP working with latest openssl for Linux.
ASTAP 2024-06-10
Development version. Allowed quad tolerance of 0.009 again
ASTAP 2024-06-10
Fixed the output of the command-line option -extract2 for system where the decimal separator is a comma.
ASTAP 2024-06-09
Photometry, the check used stars used are now stored and retrieved autmatically from the .cfg file.
ASTAP 2024-06-07
Added a filter option to the comboxes of the AAVSO report. Just type a
part of the var or check star abbreviation prior to activate the drop
ASTAP 2024-06-04 Major update solver routine version. Fixed a bug for solving image with a FOV>2.8 degrees in versions starting 2024-2-1. Added
a batch menu to measure tilt in an image series. The measured
tilt is written to the header behind keyword TILT.
ASTAP 2024-06-03
Fixed a major problem solvings image larger then 2.8
degrees. There was a problem with the tile selection reducing
reliability. This was introduced after 2024-02-03. For photometry
tab made all makers positoned on ra,dec and not on x,y
ASTAP 2024-06-01
Development version. Several changes in "measure all"photmetry tab.
ASTAP 2024-05-24
New star colour smooth for the brightest stars. Improved master flat creation options. Updated the help file..
ASTAP 2024-05-23
Improved in stack menu displaying compatibility problems and issues. Help file was rewritten and updated.
ASTAP 2024-05-21
Development version improved measure all annotated in the photometry tab/.
ASTAP 2024-05-19
Development version improved measure all photometry tab.
ASTAP 2024-05-17
Update of the database. For macOS replace in shortcuts ctrl by meta.
ASTAP 2024-05-13
Added ctr+-Z function for rename to *.bak. Added average AIRMASS
for stacks. Added AIRMASS calculation to batch solve menu. Allowing scrolling in listview using ctrl+up,ctrl+down
ASTAP 2024-05-12 Change to keep form visible if users change from two to one monitor.
ASTAP 2024-05-04 Allowed -o and -update options combined. Code optimisation.
ASTAP 2024.05.01 Code optimisations.
ASTAP 2024.04.28 Development version: Fixed a runtime error in "+" actions tab lights for images with small dimensions.
ASTAP 2024.04.23 Improved code for noise and SNR calculations in electrons. Improved bit depth measurement in image info menu.
ASTAP 2024.04.16 Development
version. Large code optimisation. Moved option "calibrate prior
solving" to the viewer batch menu. Removed menu option "check pattern
filter". This is now only available in the command line (and as menu
normalise in tab pixel math 2"
2024-04-12, Doubled the HyperLeda database in size. Note by purpose
all objects with size zero have no abbreviation to prevent overlapping
annotations. Use the popup menu online link to HyperLeda for
ASTAP 2024.04.11 Development version. Added XISF format (uncompressed to live stacking)
ASTAP 2024.04.09
Development version. Code and algorithm optimisation in photometric calibration.
ASTAP 2024.04.08
Development version. Added median FWHM to the log of the image inspector.
ASTAP 2024.03.28
Development version. Added beside CENTALT also OBJCTALT to output of the batch solve menu.
ASTAP 2024.03.27
Improved option "Comet and stars sharp". Modified the colour
smooth routine. Fixed the viewer menu for High DPI setting.
ASTAP 2024.03.26
Development version. Added new stack option "Comet and stars sharp".
Added to pixel math 1 new option called "unsharp mask".
ASTAP 2024.03.21 Development version. Added HJD to the photometry tab.
ASTAP 2024.03.21 Added HJD option to photometry tab. Fixed for Mac exporting CENTALT in batch menu.
ASTAP 2024.03.13 Fixed an accuracy problem for astrometric stacking. Fixed image stitching canvas size for images under an angle.
ASTAP 2024.03.12 Development
version. Add airmass and centalt to files for batch menu add SQM
value. Replace the 32 bit with 64 bit executable.
ASTAP 2024.03.11 Track and stack works better for images with a rotation drift.
ASTAP 2024.03.08 Development version. Allow OSC images for track and stack.
ASTAP 2024.03.07 Some minor corrections in track and stack function of the blink tab. See video demonstration
ASTAP 2024.03.02 Development
version. For Funpack , remove the ( in the file name. Fixed a bug
in track & stack if both asteroid and comet data is used.
ASTAP 2024.02.26 Fixed a run time error using the comet and asteroid annotation.
ASTAP 2024.02.25 Added a warning for an obsolete MPC database. Fixed Stack and Track for AstroTif files.
ASTAP 2024.02.24 Stack and track improved. See popup blink tab and documentation.
ASTAP 2024.02.23 Development version MPC1992 simplied. Stack and track added to blink tab. Documentation not finished yet.
ASTAP 2024.02.16 First version to create a minor planet MPC1992 report.
ASTAP 2024.02.14 Development version. First version to create a minor planet MPC1992 report.
ASTAP 2024.02.11 Development version. Some minor corrections in photometry and SIP menus.
ASTAP 2024.02.08 Allowed changing value of keyword DATE-OBS. If change is requested the program will ask for a time shift in hours.
ASTAP 2024.02.08 Fixed
two new fatal problems in the photometry tab. Marking the three stars
to measure did not work anymore and downloading the online AAVSO stars
did not work properly.
ASTAP 2024.02.07
Improved accuracy of SIP polynomial factors. New imaged are now
automatically centered in te viewer rather then aligned to the left.
ASTAP 2024.02.03 Added the command line option -extract2. This allows export of all star positions to a .csv file. Removed option -analyse2.
ASTAP 2024.01.30
Overhauled the stack routines to increase stacking speed with about 20%.
ASTAP 2024.01.27
Development version. More improvements in calculating SIP.. Added keywords PC..
ASTAP 2024.01.25
Development version. More improvements in calculating SIP.
ASTAP 2024.01.24
Development version. More improvements in calculating SIP.
ASTAP 2024.01.24
Fixed a problem in the command line version (CLI). Subpixel routine had a bug since September last year.
ASTAP 2024.01.20
Development version. Integrated SIP factors in Mosaic building/ image stitching..
ASTAP 2024.01.16
Development version. Added a full SIP polynomial option for the solver.
ASTAP 2024.01.12
Fixed some menu alignment problems for 4k monitors.
ASTAP 2024.01.11
Development version. Fixed a OSC stacking problem resulting in a run time error.
ASTAP 2024.01.07
Development version. Allowed mosaic batch processing of multiple objects.
ASTAP 2024.01.06
Development version. Allowed a mosaic of raw files.
ASTAP 2024.01.04
Code optimisation.
ASTAP 2024.01.03
Development version. Code optimisation.
ASTAP 2024.01.02
Development version. Added splitter to viewer and stack menu. Reorganised stack window menus.
ASTAP 2024.01.01 Development version. Modified menu alignments
ASTAP 2023.12.30
Improved solver for near celestial pole. Annotation will be now
correct for images at +90 or -90 degrees declination. Photometry tab,
fixed a problem with filling the abbreviations in the AAVSO report.
ASTAP 2023.12.21 Fixed several bugs in the new multi star photometry routine.
ASTAP 2023.12.16
Development version. New variable star databases. One down to magnitude 15. Some code cleaning solver code.
ASTAP 2023.12.12
Fixed a major problem in ephemerides alignment. Improvements to
the "background contour" at image inspector (F5 menu).
ASTAP 2023.12.11 Development version. Added "background contour" to the image inspector (F5 menu).
ASTAP 2023.12.09 Development version. Photmetry, allowing AAVSO VSX, VSP download for very large FOV but limited to magnitude 12.
ASTAP 2023.12.08
Added the V05 photometry database for large field-of-view. Fixed some
inspector menus which where no longer working. Improved annotation of
very bright stars. Changed auto database selection.
ASTAP 2023.12.06 Development version. Photmetry, allowed using the local variable database for measuring all AAVSO object visible.
ASTAP 2023.12.05 Development version. Fixed some problem in photometry tab regarding measuring the magnitudes of all visible AAVSO VSX and VSP stars
ASTAP 2023.12.04 Made repaint of photometry tab more smoother. Fixed copy paste routine which was broken since 2023-09-18.
ASTAP 2023.12.03 Development version. Modified in the photometry tab the annotation menu and added options to measure the magnitudes of all visible AAVSO VSX and VSP stars. They magnitudes will be added in the listview as additional columns.
2023.11.27 Linux, fixed a reading permission of some D50 database files near the celestial north pole.
Fixed a tiny magnitude error (0.005 magn) in the V50 photometric
database. If you use the V50, download and install a new version from
the webpage.
ASTAP_2023.11.17 Fixed manual solving using 2 stars in the popup menu. Improved PA measurement using mouse pointer.
ASTAP_2023.11.16 Development
version. Improved ra,dec grid. Fixed a problem for selecting the V50 database for photometry.
ASTAP_2023.11.13 Development
version. Added az, alt to status bar. See popup menu statusbar. For
large FOV reduced number of deepsky object annotated.
ASTAP_2023.11.12 Development version. Improved angular distance and PA calculation.
ASTAP_2023.11.10a Development version. Added an azimuth altitude grid menu option.
ASTAP_2023.11.10 Improved star detection. Fixed option planetary. Fixed default of Gaia magnitude reporting in "star info to clipboard".
ASTAP_2023.11.01 Development
version. Added the possibility to measure asteroid in photometry
tab. To make it run you first have to add asteroid annotations to
all files. Go to the batch processing and execute menu "Add asteroid
and comet annotation" for all files. Then in tab photometry, select all
files, click on the first file to plot. Then click on the asteroid to
place the Var on the asteroid and click on two reference stars (check
and 3 annotation). Then click on the> arrow button.
ASTAP_2023.10.19 Fixed a floating point error for users still having old setting "Maximum number of stars to use"=auto
ASTAP_2023.10.14 Improved image stitching background measurement.
ASTAP_2023.10.13 Fixed image stitching mode which was not working since a week or so.
ASTAP_2023.10.13 Development version. Added the -D command line option to specify a database abbreviation.
ASTAP_2023.10.12 Development version. Modified star level for star detection.
ASTAP_2023.10.11 Development version. Redefined star level for star detection.
ASTAP_2023.10.03 Fixed a false colour filter alarm introduced in previous version.
ASTAP_2023.09.27 In tab pixelmath1 the colour replacement menu was extended with an option to remove coloured hot pixels.
ASTAP_2023.09.26 Improved Sigma Clip stack method.
ASTAP_2023.09.21 Minor corrections.
ASTAP_2023.09.19 Development version, Minor correction displayed text stack button
ASTAP_2023.09.18 New development version Faster processing especially for stacking. This required a lot of code changes. Please report any problem.
ASTAP_2023.09.16 Development version, limited the field of view of AAVSO VSX, VSP access to 3 degrees to avoid error 400 server response.
ASTAP_2023.09.11 Some cosmetic corrections.
ASTAP_2023.09.07 Fixed a problem in the image stitching mode.
ASTAP_2023.09.06 Development version For image stitching mode allowed to disable an option "limit background correction"
ASTAP_2023.09.05 For image stitching mode, the canvas size is now set fully automatic. Made the north/east indicator a little larger.
ASTAP_2023.09.03 Development version. Some improvements in photometry animation.
ASTAP_2023.09.02 Development version. Some correction in DATE_AVG reporting. Fixed aperture plotting.
ASTAP_2023.09.01 Added aperture lines to star profile.
ASTAP_2023.08.31 Development version. Added keyword DATE-END. Improve reporting of DATE-OBS. Several other small corrections.ASTAP_2023.08.25 Development version. Added menu option star profile. See viewer menu VIEW, STAR PROFILE.
ASTAP_2023.08.24 Development version. Added group stacking to photometry tab.
ASTAP_2023.08.23 Fixed aligment of photometry tab. Fixed reading keyword TIME-OBS. Fixed preserving astrometric solution in stacked files.
ASTAP_2023.08.14 Monitor tab, restart is not looking to old files. Some other small improvements in the code.
ASTAP_2023.08.12 Fixed .FIT extension to tab monitoring.
ASTAP_2023.08.11 Added .fts extension to tab monitoring.
ASTAP_2023.08.10 Update the scroll bars in stack menu.
ASTAP_2023.08.09 Development version. Added temperature tolerance for darks. ASTAP_2023.08.05 Fixed some problems with the scrollbars ASTAP_2023.08.04 Reworked scrollbars ASTAP_2023.07.28 Development version. Added an issue column in dark and flats tab to report incompatibility reason with the lightsASTAP_2023.07.09 Reduced streak filter to detection only. Sigma clip is as good.
ASTAP_2023.07.06 Fixed some minor items.
ASTAP_2023.07.05 Improved streak filter. Fixed a major problem in OSC flat routine introduced 2023-06-17
ASTAP_2023.07.01 Improved streak filter. Fixed a scrollbar in stack menu.
ASTAP_2023.06.29 First version with satellite streak filter.
ASTAP_2023.06.28 Development version. Added advanced satellite streak filter.
ASTAP_2023.06.24 Development version. Made
selection point (6 degrees) and warning for G05 database the same to
avoid unnecessary warning messages. Added rudimentary streak detection.
ASTAP_2023.06.21 Development
version. Stored the fixed value added during calibration or
stacking to header with keyword PEDEST_C. Improved tab
"inspector" report
ASTAP_2023.06.18 Added a filter to filter-name to remove characters like / or \ for saving.
ASTAP_2023.06.17 Improved flat correction for OSC. Improved several other small items.
ASTAP_2023.06.13 Development version. Photometric calibration can now be saved in header. Added to popup menu of the photometry tab an option for photometric calibration.
For photometry improved the transformation routine
For photometry added the button "transformation (auto)". Added input
fields for transformation to the AAVSO/BAA report page. Extended the
viewer popup menu "star info to clipboard" report with all transformed
Gaia magnitudes.
ASTAP_2023.05.28 Development version. Improved viewer popup menu option "star info to clipboard"
ASTAP_2023.05.27 Development version. Improved viewer option "annotate unknown stars"
ASTAP_2023.05.26 Development version. Some improvements in photometry tab. Some improvements in viewer option "annotate unknown stars"
ASTAP_2023.05.19a Fixed a problem in ASTAP inspector (HFD and HFD outer where the same.
ASTAP_2023.05.19 Development version: Added SDSS transformations for photometry.
ASTAP_2023.05.18 Development version: Added new popup menu "Star info to clipboard" including measured magnitude.
ASTAP_2023.05.16 Development version: Improved flux measurement in popup menu "Show statistics within shape".
ASTAP_2023.05.15 Development version: Code optimisation for star detection and background measurement.
ASTAP_2023.05.09 Fixed a selection problem for the G05. This version was issued 2023.05.14.
ASTAP_2023.05.09 Development version. Fixed a minor problem related to inspecting a colour image. The images where displayed in mono after a refresh.
ASTAP_2023.05.04 Added the dust spot removal tool. See Youtube demonstration.
ASTAP_2023.05.02 Development version. Changed the OSC flat application method. Now the flat is by default normalised on the fly.
ASTAP_2023.04.29 Fixed
a floating variable problem in Astro-Tiff. Corrected the star density
calculation for the V50 and G05. Added command-line version for Android
X86 and X86_64.
ASTAP_2023.04.21 Fixed
reading ROWORDER keyword for AstroTIFF. The Bayer pattern in auto
should now work for all cases. Set Bayer pattern to auto since
old settings could be wrong..
ASTAP_2023.04.19 Fixed wrong orientation of galaxy annotation for flipped images. Added the Bortle scale to the SQM measurement.
ASTAP_2023.04.09 Fixed font popup notifier. Some cosmetic corrections.
ASTAP_2023.04.08 Fixed a slow colour smooth.
ASTAP_2023.04.05 Added
to pixel math2 an new menu "Increase nebulosity signal".. Added an
export option the the image inspector F4 including RA, DEC and
magnitude. See menu F5.
ASTAP_2023.03.30 Cosmetic changes
ASTAP_2023.03.29 Development version. Added a star removal function to the viewer. Restructured code background calculation.
ASTAP_2023.03.26 Cosmetic changes.
ASTAP_2023.03.25 Development version. Added Johnson-V, B and Cousins R to viewer. Some fixes.
ASTAP_2023.03.24 Development version. Added Johnson-V, B and Cousins R to photometry.
ASTAP_2023.03.22 Introduced the V50 as replacement for the V17. Introduced G05 for wide field solving.
ASTAP_2023.03.21 Added ellipse shape selection for copy past and for measument of magnitude within area. Just press CTRL or SHIFT prior to pulling the shape with the mouse.
NEWS: New star database d05, D20, d50. The star databases h18, h17 will be phased out:
star databases called d05, d20 and d50 have been released. Instead of a
magnitude limit there will be a star density limit. These
databases are sorted to have a star density up 1000, 2000 or
5000 stars per square degree. This should guarantee that in the star
poorest areas there will be sufficient stars for navigation (solving)
available. But it keeps the database size moderate in star rich areas. If
required stars up to magnitude 21 will be available for navigation
This will be beneficial for setups with a small field-of view. There
should always be enough database stars available for navigation in the
will be compatible with the H18. The database sizes for the d05,
d20, D50 are 100, 380 and 850 mbytes. Use the following
graph to select one. Selecting a denser database has no real penalty
except size.

ASTAP_2023.03.16 Added MZERO keyword. Photometric calibration can be saved. Modification for new databases.
ASTAP_2023.03.14 Development version. Removed online database except for annotation unknown stars.
ASTAP_2023.03.05 Development version. Introduced online database for small field images.
ASTAP_2023.02.27 Fixed mayor magnitude problem introduced in version 2023-02-26 for photometry and annotate unknown star menu
ASTAP_2023.02.27 Fixed measured star magnitude annotation
ASTAP_2023.02.26 Fixed importing XISF files with astrometric solution. Added confidence level to magnitude measurement.
ASTAP_2023.02.17 Added a new popup menu: Simbad deepsky annotation with filter
ASTAP_2023.01.12 Fixed some minor problems for menu option arbitrary rotation and deepsky annotation for flipped images.
ASTAP_2022.12.28 MacOS,
stackmenu, more fixes for the keyboard left and right arrow scroll.
ASTAP_2022.12.27 MacOS,
removed some counter update fixes since they interfered with operation.
Counter update is not always working due to bug in compiler (missing
ASTAP_2022.12.26a Fixed a cursor and counting problem for MacOS.
ASTAP_2022.12.26 Large modification for the selection box. Mainly for fixing a problem on MacOS.
ASTAP_2022.12.24 Added for stack menu the left/right arrow button for manual scrolling through the images.
ASTAP_2022.12.20 Fixed header DATE-OBS for option "calibration and alignment only". "Added missing object name in results tab for option "calibration and alignment only"
For AAVSO report take filter from header.
Some minor corrections
Development version. Replaced in the Mac version CNTRL by Command
button. Improved "Tools/Local Adjustments, colour
Development version. Significant code reorganisation. No functionality change.
Added option to stack in the photometry tab.
Development version. Added option to calibrate and extract green channel in photometry tab
Development version, fixed bug colouring saturated stars of version 2022-11-28.
Development version, reduced artifacts in LRGB stacking.
Cosmetic changes.
Development version:. Added DATE-OBS to header for RAW file converted to FITS.
Some cosmetic changes.
Inspector, bottom text message background is now black. Added commandline acces to live stack tab with "-stack path"
Almost identical to version 2022.10.09
Development version. Worked in menu stack method. Added SNR based on electrons to photometry tab.
Development version. Added a default for EGAIN if it is missing in the header.
Development version. Added SNR based on electrons. See popup menu status bar
Improved menu option move files to directory name+date. Changed quality measurement to nrstar/sqr(hfd)
Fixed a time zone correction for batch menu restore file dates.
Minor mod pixel math for creating test images. Added popup
menu option status bar for total ADU reading of stars.
ASTAP_2022.10.22 Automated for stacking the detection of RAW DSLR images.
ASTAP_2022.10.19a Fixed a runt time error if auto-demosaic is activated if a mono files is added.
ASTAP_2022.10.19 Improved changing header key word values for raw (CR2) and
XISF files. Fixed live stacking for raw files (.CR2...)
ASTAP_2022.10.01 Bug in the reporting the field-of-view as soon the image is cropped
during solving. So typical for images of a field larger then 5 degrees. The wrong FOV is only reported in the GUI.
ASTAP_2022.09.27 Improved monitor tab with sensor location. Added one digit to roundness measurment (F3).
ASTAP_2022.09.26 Development version: Some more improvements in monitor tab. Some fine tuning triples mode.
ASTAP_2022.09.25 Development version: Added
option solving with triples instead of quad for less then 30 stars.
Added an arrow for monitor tab. Fixed angular distance reporting
in the fits header. Several small changes.
ASTAP_2022.09.17 Some cosmetic changes..
ASTAP_2022.09.16 Allow
header keyword changes in non-standard FITS files which are not a
multiply of 2880 bytes. Cosmetic corrrection for CALSTAT keyword value
if bias is missing.
ASTAP_2022.09.12 Some cosmetic changes in the code
ASTAP_2022.09.10 Replace the header ° symbol by a d since it was converted to unicode.
ASTAP_2022.09.09 Fixed a problem for arbitrary rotating of flipped images. Fixed a problem with angle indication introduced a day ago.
ASTAP_2022.09.08 Fixed reading old style WCS for flipped images. Fixed option N for arbitrary rotation.
ASTAP_2022.09.04 Small modification to allow displaying the first colour image of FITS files containing four colours.
ASTAP_2022.08.18 Added shortcuts to the inspector menu (F5)
ASTAP_2022.08.09 Programmed unicode characters as replacement for missing icons in Mac version.
ASTAP_2022.08.07 Improved icon indication for statistical selection in tab lights.
ASTAP_2022.08.05 Fixed Fuji X-trans sensor demosaic. Fixed sorting a list in Mac version where check mark position is lost.
ASTAP_2022.08.04 Fixed some items for photometry tab.
ASTAP_2022.08.03 Fixed gain indication/selection dark and flat tab. Fixed some problems introduced 2022-08-02.
ASTAP_2022.08.02 Large code restructuring. Please report any problem.
ASTAP_2022.08.01 Added
limiting magnitude to photometry tab for case AAVSO has no
comparison stars. Fixed loosing keyword CALSTAT after stack, save new
ASTAP_2022.07.31 Fixed error in photometry tab for case AAVSO has no comparison stars.
ASTAP_2022.07.13 Added Simbad online annotation. Fixed some other small online request problems.
ASTAP_2022.07.08 Fixed the batch solve image for macOS. Added TIFF to batch menu bin x2 or x3.
ASTAP_2022.07.07 Improved accuracy emphemeris alignment by storing in fraction of pixels. Some code improvement.
ASTAP_2022.07.03 Some code improvement.
ASTAP_2022.07.02 Added the equinox in the calculation of the mount error.
ASTAP_2022.06.26 Fixed some minor things for 8 bit file stacking. Fixed an error in Mac version caused by the crown in quality column.
ASTAP_2022.06.14 fixed CALSTAT indication if calibration prior to solving was used during stacking.
ASTAP_2022.06.09 Fixed unroundness measurement
ASTAP_2022.06.01 Added mean set temperature to mono stack.
ASTAP_2022.05.29a Improved API link to AAVSO webpage, Var and Check star are named from database
ASTAP_2022.05.28 Added an API link to AAVSO webpage
ASTAP_2022.05.23 For Linux and Mac version corrected to batch menu "set modified file date to DATE-OBS" for local time.
ASTAP_2022.05.09 Fixed an error in menu "Unknown star annotation" if star database was set in auto,
ASTAP_2022.05.07 Added avi video output. Added optional BAA report lines for photometry.
ASTAP_2022.05.04 Improved unknown star detection.ASTAP_2022.04.11a Fixed a rare floating error in star database routine. Fixed roundness measurement which was accidentally broken some time ago.ASTAP_2022.04.10 Improved speed of blind solving with about 30%. Added online HyperLeda and NED database search.ASTAP_2022.04.05 Fixed an incidental image move if mouse leaves the image after startup and zooming.ASTAP_2022.04.04 Overhauled FITS reader, Overhauled SQM menu, Overhauled image equalise background tool.ASTAP_2022.04.02 Added pressure keyword. Code optimization.ASTAP_2022.04.01 Some cosmetic changes. Updated Libraw for Mac. Other operating systems will follow.
ASTAP_2022.03.31 Improved accuracy mount analyse.
ASTAP_2022.03.30 Overhauled tab mount analyse.ASTAP_2022.03.24 Added
an option in the light tab popup menu to add automatic add the
alignment star based on the first image. Added an option to batch
rotate image 180 degrees.
ASTAP_2022.03.22a Fixed error in converting to mono.
ASTAP_2022.03.22 For inspector tab, added normalisation for bayer images. Allowed xisf for stacking and inspection.
ASTAP_2022.03.16 Added Astro-TIFF to the viewer batch solving menu. Some code optimisation.
ASTAP_2022.03.16 Fixed an Astro-TIFF reading the scale introduced yesterday.
ASTAP_2022.03.15 Fixed an Astro-TIFF problem for astrometric stacken. Fixed an Astro-TIFF gain problem.
Removed stdin option. For solver improved angular distance indicator.
Added Astro-TIFF reading to command-line version ASTAP-CLI.ASTAP_2022.03.13 Some small changes in the solver. Code optimisation in inspector/tilt measurement.
ASTAP_2022.03.11 Added an option to normalise OSC images prior to solving
ASTAP_2022.03.10 Updated the tab inspector for the 9 areas.
ASTAP_2022.03.10 Modified inspector. Change tilt inspector measurement from 5 to 9 areas (irregulur octagon).
Added an option to the batch menu to recover the file date.
Added the SQM value to batch menu. Added an option to maintain the last modified date for batch solving.
Added the option for multi pasting for "Copy past tool". Hold alt or ctrl key to keep pasting.ASTAP_2022.03.01
Added some keywords for Astro-TIFF handeling. Added an experimental
halo removal tool to viewer. Removed some viewer menus. Fixed viewer
"Unknown star detection".ASTAP_2022.02.24 Fixed a major bug in LRGB stacking which was introduced in 2022-12-8. RGB stacking was not affected.
ASTAP_2022.02.22 Fixed some more Astro-TIFF keyword. Added menu to convert to TIFF while preserving file date.
ASTAP_2022.02.21 Added ASTRO-TIFF desciption to TIFF 32 bit output.
ASTAP_2022.02.19 Fixed some minor problems for Astro-TIFF files.
ASTAP_2022.02.18 Added an auto mode for max number of stars. Solving will then start with 60 stars, 120, 240, 480 stars till image is solved.
ASTAP_2022.02.17 Removed a test message in log.
ASTAP_2022.02.13 Fixed some problems in importing Astro-TIFF files.
ASTAP_2022.02.12 Added in case of a solution is found the keyword equinox to the header. Improved implementation of astro-tiff.
ASTAP_2022.02.06 Added the option to the status bar popup menu to display noise in electrons,
ASTAP_2022.02.04a Allowing Japanese characters in path.
ASTAP_2022.02.04 Fixed a too long search pattern for solving for values above 90 degrees.
Darks can now be selected
based on gain.
Added SuperPixel demosaic method.
Removed too many * in configuration file.
ASTAP_2022.1.23 Fixed colour replacement menu.
ASTAP_2022.1.16 Added an option to the tab "monitor" to measure distance to target.
2022-1-14, Mac, update the deepsky and variable stars database in the pkg installers.
ASTAP_2022.1.14 Fixed a problem with black spot filter. Added astap_cli.exe to the installer.
ASTAP_2022.1.13 Fixed major problem with photometry tab recently introduced.
ASTAP_2022.1.12 Improved the search spiral for solving.
2022-01-07 Improved the log output of ASTAP_CLI2022-01-06 Recompiled a broken version of astap_cli for armhf.ASTAP_2022.1.6 Added a crop function to the blink video output.
ASTAP_2022.1.2 Fixed a colour problem when stacking OSC images.ASTAP_2022.1.1 The "semantic versioning" is replaced by "calendar versioning" since ASTAP is continuous evolving.2021-12-31 ASTAP_1.0.0RC11
Added camera gain to weight-factor stacking. Reintroduced two flip menus again for image rotation.2021-12-27 ASTAP_1.0.0RC10
Changed the engine for rotating images. Changed license to MPL 2.0.2021-12-24 ASTAP_1.0.0RC9a
Added a solver option to the monitor tab.2021-12-23 ASTAP_1.0.0RC9
Gained some speed for rating an image. Some bug fix for code optimisation.2021-12-22 ASTAP_1.0.0RC9_early
Early edition of RC9. No new functionality but very large code modification/optimisation.2021-12-21 ASTAP_1.0.0RC8
Improved SQM measurement menu and monitoring tab. 2021-12-19 ASTAP_1.0.0RC7
Added a tab for monitoring a directory. Fixed a bad compile for the Mac M1.2021-12-12 ASTAP_1.0.0RC6
Improved LRGB stacking. (Colour for saturation)2021-12-11 ASTAP_1.0.0RC5a
Fixed a font size problem for the CCD inspector tilt indication.. 2021-12-09 ASTAP_1.0.0RC5
Fixed a Mac M1 file browse problem. Improved responsiveness for live stacking. 2021-12-02 ASTAP_1.0.0RC4
Improved layout inspector menu. 2021-12-01 ASTAP_1.0.0RC4
Pre edition. Overhauled the inspector menu. Added three corner option.2021-11-26 ASTAP_1.0.0RC3
Recompiled the Mac version using a compiler with bug fix for busy cursor.2021-11-25 ASTAP_1.0.0RC3
Overhauled the unroundness measurement. Added vectors for the
unroundness measurement. Modified the inspector menu. For method
average the word _average is added to the stack file name. Fixed a menu problem with recent file 1.2021-11-21 ASTAP_1.0.0RC2
Fixed a mix up between selecting DCRAW and "LibRaw (cropped active area)"2021-11-21 ASTAP_1.0.0RC1
Updated the unprocessed_raw conversion program for mode "LibRaw (cropped active area)"2021-11-20 ASTAP_1.0.0RC1
RC1, Release candidate 1, Added keyword ISOSPEED.2021-11-19 ASTAP_ß0.9.594
Add a LibRaw option to convert to standard image dimensions (Libraw
thumb). The default LibRaw option creates a little large
dimensions.2021-11-16 ASTAP_ß0.9.593
Made SQM measurement compatible with DSLR images by automatic binning.
Allowed for tab pixelmath 1, ring equalise a centrum outside the middle2021-11-13 ASTAP_ß0.9.592 Improved accuracy of photometry routine.
2021-11-12 ASTAP_ß0.9.591 Fixed a problem with an AAVSO chart request (+ sign declination)2021-11-11 ASTAP_ß0.9.590
Added option to call up AAVSO chart and import AUID stars from clipboard.2021-11-08 ASTAP_ß0.9.589
Fixed altitude calculation of SQM measurement. Added
unprocessed_raw-astap to Raspberry Pi versions, so select libraw for
any raw files.
2021-11-05 ASTAP_ß0.9.588b Added clear list to popupmenu results tab and added reference image indicator to blink tab. 2021-11-01 ASTAP_ß0.9.588 Added unroundness measurement to CCD inspector.2021-10-30 ASTAP_CLI ß0.9.587 Adapted
the command-line version to the W08 wide field star database. W08 will
be used if the FOV is larger then 20 degrees (height).
Updated the astap_cli star detection to astap version (circular
2021-10-24 ASTAP ß0.9.587 Replaced w07 by w08 database. Improved solving for wide field. Added option auto select database.
2021-10-20 ASTAP ß0.9.586 Development version: Added constellations and solving for field-of-view larger then 20 degrees using the new w08 database. Fixed a problem for the AAVSO report for 4k monitors.
2021-10-15 ASTAP ß0.9.585 Added a stack option to skip RGB combining.
2021-10-09 ASTAP ß0.9.584a
Fixed extension problem in macOS using menu option export.
2021-10-08 ASTAP ß0.9.584
Some minor corrections. Removed de-mosaic method Malvar_Hu_Cutler.
2021-10-06 ASTAP ß0.9.583
Development version. Fixed a flat & flat-dark classification problem.
2021-10-06 ASTAP ß0.9.582
Development version. Added
an flat & flat-dark classification option for exposure time. Blink
menu. prevent run time errors for button "export alignment".
2021-10-02 ASTAP ß0.9.581c
Fixed a lost Windows. Unfortunately I compiled the program with the main window at my left screen. This is now fixed.
2021-10-01 ASTAP ß0.9.581b
Fixed a status bar problem. Fixed a minor problem indicating the RA mount error for large errors.
2021-09-25 ASTAP ß0.9.581
Fixed -update command line option for ASTAP and ASTAP_CLI. Added marker input for degrees. Fixed a minor annotation accuracy problem.
2021-09-24 ASTAP ß0.9.580
Development version. Added CCD inspector to live stacking. Fixed dark and flat apply for live stacking.
2021-09-23 ASTAP ß0.9.579c
Development version. Tweaked colour smooth routine.2021-09-14 ASTAP ß0.9.579b
Development version. Fixed a problem stacking 8 bit images.2021-09-13 ASTAP ß0.9.579
Development version. Fixed an error in tab mount analyses.2021-09-12 ASTAP ß0.9.578
Development version. Added to tab mount analyses an option to measure the polar axis error using two images.2021-09-09 ASTAP ß0.9.577
Development version. Modified the tab for mount analyse.2021-09-09 ASTAP ß0.9.576
Development version. Added RAW red, blue pixel extraction to
photometry tab. Replaced some ephemerides calculation code.2021-09-05 ASTAP ß0.9.575 Some very minor changes.2021-09-03 ASTAP ß0.9.574a
Development version. Replaced the ephemerides routine for annotations.
This is a large mod. Added more tilt info in the CCD inspector
bottom line message..2021-08-27 ASTAP ß0.9.573
Fixed persistent text location for flipped view.2021-08-27 ASTAP ß0.9.572
Viewer, added an option to annotate in the image data (persistent). See popup menu "Add annotation", add @ to the text.2021-08-25 ASTAP ß0.9.571a
Small cosmetic menu changes.2021-08-23 ASTAP ß0.9.571
Adapted automatic binning to cropping and so increasing the solver
reliability for FOV larger then 5 degrees. Some code optimisations.2021-08-19 ASTAP ß0.9.570
Fixed a cropping problem for very large FOV. Adapted star annotation for very large FOV.
2021-08-18 ASTAP ß0.9.569a
Fixed a range problem in undisturbed image scale calculation.2021-08-17 ASTAP ß0.9.569
Improved routine for adding "SIP polynome" factors. Added a routine to
measure undisturbed image scale based on the center stars. This will
greatly improve inspector "show distortion".2021-08-12 ASTAP ß0.9.568 Improved indication "show distortion" including reporting the median astrometric error.2021-08-10 ASTAP ß0.9.567 Changed background part of the solver. Modified artificial image routine.2021-08-07 ASTAP ß0.9.566a Added an option to place the RA, DEC marker in the center by typing C.2021-08-07 ASTAP ß0.9.566 Overhauled batch routine menus. Changed some icons.2021-08-06 ASTAP ß0.9.565b
Fixed a runtime error in AAVSO report for the case only one image is used.2021-08-03 ASTAP ß0.9.565a
Prevented a runtime error for large annulus used for star measurement.2021-07-31 ASTAP ß0.9.565
Some improvements in the limiting magnitude reporting.2021-07-30 ASTAP ß0.9.564
Improved limiting magnitude calculation.2021-07-29 ASTAP ß0.9.563
Added a magnitude estimate message in the photometry calibration. Code optimisation.2021-07-27 ASTAP ß0.9.562
Linux, fixed a shared libraries: libQt5Pas.so.1 error message.2021-07-25 ASTAP ß0.9.562
Improved conversion to FITS routine, added PPM files, xisf.
2021-07-21 ASTAP ß0.9.561
Added a Simbad query for the popup menu.
2021-07-18 ASTAP ß0.9.560a
Some minor corrections. Fixed message sub-sampling required for very large images.
2021-07-14 ASTAP ß0.9.560
Added "Aberration Inspector", Fixed font size free text at bottom.
2021-07-09 ASTAP_CLI, fixed the -fov option of the astap_cli version. Fixed a run time error using stdin.
2021-07-08 ASTAP ß0.9.559
Improved reporting via keyword CALSTAT. Modified some messages.2021-07-03 Improved some things in the command line version.
2021-07-03 ASTAP ß0.9.558a
Development version. Fixed a problem where jpeg, png and tiff
where read in mono colours only. Updated the compiler for Mac to fix a
sorting problem of the listview checkboxes.
2021-06-30 ASTAP ß0.9.558 Development version. Added a light curve to the photometry report:

2021-06-26 ASTAP ß0.9.557 Improved SOLVER. Removed some flashing in the log.
2021-06-25 ASTAP ß0.9.556 Modified the alignment of the controls in the stack menu. Issued for the Mac.
2021-06-23 ASTAP ß0.9.555 Modified "magnitude measured annotation" menu option. Added a calculated 10 sigma limited magnitude indication.
2021-06-22 ASTAP ß0.9.553b Fixed arm64 version for the RaspberryPi. The compiler created a version which always used a FOV of 5.1 degrees. Fixed.
2021-06-20 ASTAP ß0.9.554 For
command line and using LibRaw, now creating consistent file extensions
for .log and.wcs log files. So .CR3 is resulting in .ini and .wcs files
and not in .CR3.ini and .CR3.wcs log files.
2021-06-17 ASTAP ß0.9.553a
Cosmetic changes.
2021-06-15 ASTAP ß0.9.553
Development version, new menu for finding an object position. New menu for SQM measurement.
2021-06-15 ASTAP ß0.9.552a
Fixed Libraw conversion for the Mac
2021-06-13 ASTAP ß0.9.552a
Development version. Improved some things in the CCD inspector, menu "Median back ground values".
2021-06-12 ASTAP ß0.9.552
Fixed restoring saved check marks file list. Fixed option calibration
and alignment. Fixed writing values above 65535 in 16 bit format. Some
improvements stacking routine.
2021-06-10 ASTAP ß0.9.551 Development version. Improved SQM routine for DSLR images.
2021-06-08 ASTAP ß0.9.550 Modified blink routine. Keeps now solution in memory rather then in separate files.
2021-06-07 ASTAP ß0.9.549
Fixed calibration prior to solving
2021-06-06 ASTAP ß0.9.548
Development version. Added internal routine to inspector to convert colour to mono for better accuracy
of coloured images. Introduced new menu to inspector for measuring
relative median background values.
2021-06-03 ASTAP ß0.9.547b Development version. Fixed a minor problem if change keyword is applied on .CR2 files.
2021-05-28 ASTAP ß0.9.547 Replaced in CCD inspector menu the box filter by normalise option. Reorganised tab stack menu.
2021-05-27 ASTAP ß0.9.546 Improved loading time again. Added normalise filter for OSC flats.
2021-05-26 ASTAP ß0.9.545 Cosmetic corrections stack menus. Improved loading time when stack menu contains many files.
2021-05-25 ASTAP ß0.9.544
Fixed several annotation problems. Fixed dave-avg calculation which was broken.
2021-05-24 ASTAP ß0.9.543
Added a menu option to add some data to the bottom of the screen. See
viewer menu screen. Modified the code of asteroid annotation.
2021-05-22 ASTAP ß0.9.542 Allowing LSHO stacking. E.g. H-alpha for both green and luminance.
2021-05-20 ASTAP ß0.9.541 Added some extra messages for photometry. Fixed a minor problem at RA=0.
2021-05-19 ASTAP ß0.9.540 Added in tab result an option to add the time to the filenames.
2021-05-17 ASTAP ß0.9.538/9 Fixed a run time error occuring after clicking on colour images or debayering with 130% scale layout.
2021-05-16 ASTAP ß0.9.537d Moved font away from star for inspector menu HFD values since it influenced the measurment.
2021-05-16 ASTAP ß0.9.537c
Improved the date input interface for asteroid annotation.
2021-05-15 ASTAP ß0.9.537b
Fixed reporting of luminance filter for stacking.
2021-05-14 ASTAP ß0.9.537
Fixed for blink and photometry tab a wrong column for data/time.
2021-05-14 ASTAP ß0.9.536
Added the min HFD filter to analyse the image list. Fixed saving the smooth filter diameter.
2021-05-14 ASTAP ß0.9.535
Added a "remove green & purple" filter for Hubble palette.
2021-05-11 ASTAP ß0.9.534
Added a second CCD inspector menu using stars with SNR>10. Simplied menu "creating star test images"
2021-05-10 ASTAP ß0.9.533a
Added bith depth measurement to the statistics.
2021-05-07 ASTAP ß0.9.533
Improved saturation detection for images with max values below
65000. Typical DSLR images with max pixel values of 4096 or 16384.
2021-05-06 ASTAP ß0.9.532
Further improved grid. Reintroduced log scale for histogram.
2021-05-02 ASTAP ß0.9.531
Added RA,DEC grid option under menu View.
2021-04-29 ASTAP ß0.9.530
Added possibility to calculate and add SIP coefficient to the
header. Added filter names to stacked file name. Added pixel scale to
show distortion. Increased sensitivity show distortion menu.
2021-04-26 ASTAP ß0.9.529a
Fixed a hanging bug in histogram routine for high resolution monitors
2021-04-24 ASTAP ß0.9.529
Removed piece of test code to fix the mount analyse tab.
2021-04-20 ASTAP ß0.9.528a
Modified max range setting histogram.
2021-04-18 ASTAP ß0.9.528
Overhauled histogram. Removed beep in inspector. Allowed colour change for all annotations via menu asteroid annotation.
2021-04-14 ASTAP ß0.9.527
For the stack routine replaced the small ".astap_solution" files by memory based solution.
2021-04-13 ASTAP ß0.9.526
Development version. Master flat and master dark can be created
based on date. For light the nearest dark and flat date will be
selected.2021-04-09 ASTAP ß0.9.525 Removed creation of *.bak files in several file save actions.
2021-04-07 ASTAP ß0.9.524b Some format changes mount analyse tab.
2021-04-06 ASTAP ß0.9.524 Modified the mount analyse tab.
2021-04-06 ASTAP ß0.9.523b Fixed a problem with Nina FITS headers containing keyword value OBJCTRA = '00 00 00'
2021-04-05 ASTAP ß0.9.523 Modified LRGB and OSC stacking. Fixed a problem for the Mac for renaming to *.bak or removing a selection
2021-04-02 ASTAP ß0.9.522 Improved background detection for solver. Added colour icons to flat tab.
2021-03-30 ASTAP ß0.9.521 For tab mount added option to write solution to .wcs file
2021-03-29 ASTAP ß0.9.520bcd Added true equinox of date for tab mount
2021-03-25 ASTAP ß0.9.520 Added tab for mount analysing
2021-03-25 ASTAP ß0.9.519 Added airmass to photometry and default observer position for DSLR images.
2021-03-22 ASTAP ß0.9.518 Cosmetic changes in the photometry routine.
2021-03-21 ASTAP ß0.9.517
For photometry changed the annulus shape to round.
Overhauled background detection in the star detection routine. Solving should work a little better.2021-03-21 ASTAP ß0.9.516 Fixed a fatal bug in unprocessed_raw conversion program for raw files.2021-03-17 ASTAP ß0.9.515 Some small correction for photometry.2021-03-16 ASTAP ß0.9.514
Update for new LibRaw program. This modified LibRaw version
can export directly to fits file and will be included with the program.2021-03-14 ASTAP ß0.9.513
Linux, first test version with modified LibRaw program unprocessed_raw-astap. Separate download for unprocessed_raw-astap.2021-03-09 ASTAP ß0.9.512a
Fixed a very rare run time error in the solver.2021-03-08 ASTAP ß0.9.512
Photometry adjustments. Backwards blink for blink tab.2021-03-06 ASTAP ß0.9.511
Photometry adjustments. Backwards blink for lights tab.2021-03-05 ASTAP ß0.9.510
Revamp and split of photometry calibration for point and extended objects.2021-03-03 ASTAP ß0.9.509
Added adjustable annulus for photometry.2021-03-03 ASTAP ß0.9.508b
fixed photometry for H17, H18.2021-03-02 ASTAP ß0.9.508
fixed photometry annotation problem.2021-03-02 ASTAP ß0.9.507b
fixed a photometry alignment error.2021-03-02 ASTAP ß0.9.507
Improvements photometry tab.2021-02-27 ASTAP ß0.9.506
Added fixed aperture to photometry tab.2021-02-26 ASTAP ß0.9.505
Improvements photometry tab. 2021-02-25 ASTAP ß0.9.503/4
Development version. Improved photometry tab, modified the command-line
such that solving, analyse and sqm mesurements are possible in one
command.2021-02-23 ASTAP ß0.9.502 Development version. Improved photometry menu.2021-02-22 ASTAP ß0.9.501 Development version, Fixed pedestal of "calibration only". Improved some things in the photmetry tab.2021-02-22 ASTAP ß0.9.500 Fixed a command line bug for H17 and H18 databases. For some areas solving didn't work correctly.2021-02-18 ASTAP ß0.9.499 Development version. Raw colour extraction extended with named colours.2021-02-16 ASTAP ß0.9.498 Fixed the distortion display. Fixed a problem with not enough stars in star database annotation.2021-02-15 ASTAP ß0.9.497a Fixed some ugly annotation fonts in the Windows version.2021-02-14 ASTAP ß0.9.497 Fixed a run time error in ephemerids calculation.2021-02-13 ASTAP ß0.9.496 Added atmopheric extinction correction for SQM measurement.2021-02-12 ASTAP ß0.9.495 Add a report to file at AAVSO menu.2021-02-12 ASTAP ß0.9.494 Fixed a problem that variable annotation worked for all tabs and not only photometry tab.2021-02-11 ASTAP ß0.9.493b Different font settings for deepsky objects.2021-02-10 ASTAP ß0.9.493 Bug fix photometry tab and AAVSO report.2021-02-10 ASTAP ß0.9.492 Development version: Bug fix photometry and AAVSO report.2021-02-09 ASTAP ß0.9.490/1 Development version: Added AAVSO reporting to the photometry tab. Overhauled photometry routine.2021-02-07 ASTAP ß0.9.489 Development version: Adapted asteroid annotation font size to image dimensions.2021-02-06 ASTAP ß0.9.488 Development version: Increased accuracy of photometry.2021-02-03 ASTAP ß0.9.487 Modified photometry tab to three stars. Added AAVSO reference stars to the variable star database.2021-01-30 ASTAP ß0.9.486 Modified centering for photometry tab.2021-01-29 ASTAP ß0.9.485 Reduced the noise in the magnitude measurement with about 20%.2021-01-28 ASTAP ß0.9.484 Fixed broken ra, dec marker. Corrected some messages in photomety tab. Improved code photometry calibration.2021-01-27 ASTAP ß0.9.483 Tuned a factor in the solver. Some code clean-up.2021-01-22 ASTAP ß0.9.482 DEvelopment version, added a pedestal input for the batch routine "add sqm value".2021-01-21 ASTAP ß0.9.481 Development version. Added SQM measurement to command line, batch routine and lights tab.2021-01-21 ASTAP ß0.9.480 Simplified SQM measurement. Modified Image inspector menu for Bayer images.2021-01-19 ASTAP ß0.9.479 Added an Image inspector for Bayer images. Image will be first 2x2 Box filtered.2021-01-19 ASTAP ß0.9.478 Added the option to enter a pedestal correction to the SQM menu.2021-01-18 ASTAP ß0.9.477 Moved SQM measurement to seperate menu. Added SQM based on noise.2021-01-17 ASTAP ß0.9.476a Fixed a decimal in SQM measurement.2021-01-17 ASTAP ß0.9.476 Development version. Changed noise detection solver. Added SQM measurement to viewer menu "Magnitude (measured) annotation". 2021-01-13 ASTAP ß0.9.475 Some menu changes "image (CCD) inspector".2021-01-13 ASTAP ß0.9.474 Added 2D contour to the image inspector.2021-01-10 ASTAP ß0.9.473 Adapted the license to LGPL3+2021-01-09 ASTAP ß0.9.473 Adapted flow control of stdin channel.2021-01-09 ASTAP ß0.9.472 Raw images can be send to ASTAP using stdin. See command line option "-f stdin"2021-01-07 ASTAP ß0.9.471 Improved some messages and text.2021-01-05 ASTAP ß0.9.470 Added H17 database. This one replaces the G17. Minor modification in database selection.2021-01-04 ASTAP ß0.9.469 Fixed Debian package. Removed an old ASTAP version at /usr/local/bin and replaced it by a logical link. 2021-01-03 ASTAP ß0.9.469 Introduced
the H18 database. This database contains 1475 areas rather then the
previous 290 areas. Solving speed will be fast for file with a FOV less
then one degrees.2020-12-26 ASTAP ß0.9.468 Fixed file selection of some batch menu options for Linux. Fixed bath right orientation.2020-12-20 ASTAP ß0.9.467 Adapted the units of the reported mount error.2020-12-18 ASTAP ß0.9.466 Added for command line option find best focus using several input files also the remaining error.2020-12-17 ASTAP ß0.9.465 Development version: added command line option to find best focus using several input files.2020-12-17 ASTAP ß0.9.464 Development version: several small improvements and fixes. Reports mount offset.2020-12-16 ASTAP ß0.9.463 Development version: New tool, show the mount position in solved image. Some improvements
2020-12-16 ASTAP ß0.9.462 Development version: Online Gaia star information by rectangle selection. Astrometric solution of cropped FITs moved to image center. Displays better in planetarium program. 2020-12-14 ASTAP ß0.9.461 Development version: Experimental online Gaia star information for a star at the mouse pointer.2020-12-14 ASTAP ß0.9.460 Fixed reading date_obs and observer location from XISF file for asteroid annotation.2020-12-12 Uploaded the first new Gaia star databases based on Gaia release eDR3. Difference will be minimal.2020-12-11 ASTAP ß0.9.459b Increased the minimum detection level for the inspector tab to SNR>30. Results are now equal to CCD inspector in viewer.
2020-11-29 ASTAP ß0.9.459
Fixed a minor display problem for 4k screens.
2020-11-27 ASTAP ß0.9.458
Excluded saturated stars from CCD inspector.
2020-11-26 ASTAP ß0.9.457 Fixed
rare problem in background calculation for OSC images if an even
stepsize is selected.
2020-11-25 ASTAP ß0.9.456a Some
cosmetic menu corrections for QT5 version.
2020-11-25 ASTAP ß0.9.455 Added
code for selection of dcraw-astap, a version which creates pgm files
with meta data in the comment section.
2020-11-24 ASTAP ß0.9.454
Improved code for listview preventing runtime errors.
2020-11-23 ASTAP ß0.9.453
Adapted altitude and azimuth reading to both string and float format
2020-11-22 For Linux, set permission
correct for deep_sky.csv
2020-11-21 ASTAP ß0.9.452
Stack menu. Modified column stars_detected in image quality
column. Quality is equal to nr stars detected divided by HFD. Upgraded
automatic unselection of poor image accordingly.
2020-11-20 ASTAP ß0.9.451
Changed selection of reference image for stacking from lowest hfd to
quality equal stars_detected/hfd.
2020-11-18 ASTAP ß0.9.450
Improved the photometric tab functionality. Corrected long warning
strings in FITS header. Fixed an exposure time detection in stacking.
2020-11-09 ASTAP ß0.9.449 Overhauled
the star database reader. The
solver is 35 to 40% faster for small fields (<=0.5 degrees)
FOV=4.6 degrees, offset 50 degrees. Solved in
2.6 seconds
FOV=0.48 degrees, offset 22 degrees. Solved in
34 seconds
FOV=0.23 degrees, offset 6 degrees. Solved in
20.5 seconds
2020-11-05 ASTAP ß0.9.448
Cosmetic code changes.
2020-11-03 ASTAP ß0.9.447
Cosmetic changes.
2020-11-02 ASTAP ß0.9.446 More
improvements for displaying MEF, multi-extension FITS. Removed
exporting FITS with tables.
2020-11-01 ASTAP ß0.9.445 Fixed
some table problems in displaying MEF, multi-extension FITS.
2020-10-31 ASTAP ß0.9.444 Fixed
some menu things related to multi-extension FITS.
2020-10-31 ASTAP ß0.9.443 Modfied
the viewer for multi-extension FITS. Can
display images or 2D tables in the
2020-10-29 ASTAP ß0.9.442 Added
-extract option to export detected star to a csv file.
2020-10-28 ASTAP ß0.9.441
Raised detection level for CCD inspector and commandline option
-analyse to SNR>=30
2020-10-26 ASTAP ß0.9.440
Development version. Improved command line -analyse option
2020-10-25 ASTAP ß0.9.439
Development version. Improved pixel math option to creating artifical
star image. Stars are no longer centered at pixel center but random
2020-10-24 ASTAP ß0.9.438
Optimized database file reader buffer for speed. In some cases the
solver is 10% faster.
2020-10-22 ASTAP ß0.9.437
Viewer, option stretch draw to FITS. Preserve now the astrometric
solution correctly. Added the latest Libraw version. DCRAW is still
2020-10-21 ASTAP ß0.9.436
Fixed an undefined variable which could result in a white viewer screen
if a floating point FITS file was loaded.
2020-10-19 ASTAP ß0.9.435
Made an other correction for the solver for FOV=auto with respect of
excluding too small quads.
2020-10-19 ASTAP ß0.9.434
If the user enters manually a FOV in alignment or in the commandline,
the correction is now included in excluding too small quads.
2020-10-16 ASTAP ß0.9.433 Fixed
some minor things.
2020-10-14 ASTAP ß0.9.432 Added
nova & minor planet detection using the star database. Fixed
some ugly fonts.
2020-10-14 ASTAP ß0.9.431 Fixed a
major runtime error in stack routine introduced a few version back.
2020-10-14 ASTAP ß0.9.430
2020-10-13 ASTAP ß0.9.429 Fixed
swipe behavior for Linux version only. Happened if the left mouse
button is pressed while mouse is moving.
2020-10-08 ASTAP ß0.9.428
Development version. Modified mouse wheel zoom
behavior in the viewer. Viewer will zoom centered at the mouse position.
2020-10-08 ASTAP ß0.9.427a
Added the standard log to stdout if executed in
Linux command-line mode.
2020-10-08 ASTAP ß0.9.427
Preventing rotation of RAW files using
DCRAW by command-line -t 0. Changed stitching
(mosaic) mode. Improved the standard deviation
at mouse cursor. Release command line versions
Windows. Log goes to stdout.

2020-10-06 ASTAP ß0.9.426
Changed image stitching (mosaic) mode. Added font selection
to fits header memo. Changed some colours.
2020-10-03 ASTAP ß0.9.425
Improved speed of the list viewer for many files.
2020-10-03 ASTAP ß0.9.424
Fixed a problem for the Mac with selecting an area. Fixed
of reported magnitude of an area. Added time stamp to blink
2020-9-29 ASTAP ß0.9.423
Some more improvements in the solver.
2020-9-28 ASTAP ß0.9.422
Major overhaul
Fixed problem solving images of global cluster in combination with a
small field of view. This was caused by a numerous global cluster
center stars in the Gaia database.
2020-9-25 ASTAP ß0.9.421
Overhauled image stitching (mosaic) routine. The tiles
should be more equals now. Fixed some messages and some other
minor things.
2020-9-18 ASTAP ß0.9.420
Improved artificial flat tool.
2020-9-18 ASTAP ß0.9.419
Modified colour stacking for seperate colours. Should work
better now.
2020-9-15 ASTAP ß0.9.418
Solver, improved detection of quad outliers. Changed default
tolerance from 0.005 to 0.007.
2020-9-8 ASTAP ß0.9.417
Added functionality to copy only a image selection to the
2020-9-8 ASTAP ß0.9.416
Added angular distance measurement double stars to tools menu
viewer. Improved calibration and alignment only execution flow. Large
overhaul code viewer tools code. Please report any bug.
2020-9-2 ASTAP ß0.9.415
Added global clusters of M31 and M33 to deepsky database. For
this will be added to the star database later or use this one
2020-9-1 ASTAP ß0.9.414b
Added the binning factor for calculator in pixelmath2
2020-8-30 ASTAP ß0.9.414
Modified solver such it can solve with only two
quads(tetrahedrons) found.
2020-8-28 ASTAP ß0.9.413
Modified annotation text size. Fixed a problem resizing image
in pixel math 2.
2020-8-22 ASTAP ß0.9.412a
Textual change. Four star asterisms are now called quads
rather then tetrahedrons.
2020-8-21 ASTAP ß0.9.412
Fixed a colour stack problem if only two colours are
2020-8-20 ASTAP ß0.9.411
Increased solver accuracy by an extra step in the solver
all stars. It will do a second solve using the position of the first
solve if the search window is more then 5% of the image height from the
center. So it will use in all cases 95% or more of the
stars of the image.
2020-8-19 ASTAP ß0.9.410
Finalised star extractor improvement giving some
improvement for faint star images.
2020-8-18 ASTAP ß0.9.409
Modified star detection. Should pickup fainter
stars. Testing required.
2020-8-18 ASTAP ß0.9.408
Improved viewer popup menu option image statistics.
2020-8-17 ASTAP ß0.9.407
Code optimisation.
2020-8-16 ASTAP ß0.9.406
Code optimisation: Removed 24 bit FITS code and replaced by
conversion to standard 8 bit fits array.
2020-8-16 ASTAP ß0.9.405
Extended the viewer tool statistics with most common value
(background) and background noise (noise below most common).
2020-8-14 ASTAP ß0.9.404
Allowed stacking of coloured FITS with darks. Fixing problem
conversion to mono with demosaic preview activated.
2020-8-14 ASTAP ß0.9.403
Increased pixel accuracy for copy/paste tool.
2020-8-12 ASTAP ß0.9.402
For image list, changed deviation measurement to
image only. This gives better result for flats and darks with amp glow.
2020-8-11 ASTAP ß0.9.401
Expanded binning menus. Allowed statistic of whole image in
2020-8-11 ASTAP ß0.9.400
Added stretch draw to FITS (viewer), added image multiply to
pixel math
2020-8-10 ASTAP ß0.9.399a
Increased median measurement to full image.
2020-8-9 ASTAP ß0.9.399
Added statistics option to pop-up menu.
2020-8-5 ASTAP ß0.9.398
Added missing dark and light "standard deviation" in the list
after making a master.
2020-8-1 ASTAP ß0.9.397
The Mac version is compiled with the latest trunk compiler
allowing some fixes. Select all image list works and double click on Ra
or DEC position.. Outstanding a smooth scroll function for min and max
histogram sliders. Updated the code for black and white image
2020-7-30 ASTAP ß0.9.396
Added pointer line to the histogram. Some code
optimisations. Added blink video result to the result tab.
2020-7-29 ASTAP ß0.9.395
Added a video output routine (yuv4mpeg2) to the blink tab.
Fixed blinking of images requiring a Bayer demosaic.
2020-7-25 ASTAP ß0.9.394a
Fixed a problem reading FITS files from PI with a thumnail
2020-7-25 ASTAP ß0.9.394
Fixed a problem in the gradient tool. Extended the equalise
in pixel math 1. Modified "remove background colour" tool in pixel math
2020-7-23 ASTAP ß0.9.393
Introduced gradient removal tool in pop-up menu viewer.
2020-7-22 ASTAP ß0.9.392
Improved comet locking for manual stacking.
2020-7-21 ASTAP ß0.9.391
Fixed reading XISF files from Nina, added keyword
ROWORDER. Modified demosaic bayer pattern setting.
2020-7-20 ASTAP ß0.9.390
Added: Allows solving read only FITS files for the Voyager
program. This solves some file access problems with Voyager program.
2020-7-18 ASTAP ß0.9.389
Added the -debug option in the command line menu. Improved
the calculator in pixelmath2. Some minor code optimisations.
2020-7-16 ASTAP ß0.9.388
Reinstated in viewer menu the auto correct colour menu.
2020-7-8 ASTAP ß0.9.387
Fixed a run time failure in the blink routine.
2020-7-7 ASTAP ß0.9.386
Overhauled blink routine again. Abandoned automatic asteroid
detection. Fully integrated MPCORB annotation.
2020-7-6 ASTAP ß0.9.385
Fixed one pixel error in centroid RA, DEC indication.
2020-7-6 ASTAP ß0.9.384
Some small improvement for blink routine. Added sorting (on
date) for blink and photometry tab.
2020-7-5 ASTAP ß0.9.383
Overhauled blink routine. Added experimental asteroid
2020-7-1 ASTAP ß0.9.382
Made blind solving about 25% faster by modifying the
tetrahedron routine.
2020-6-27 ASTAP ß0.9.381
Added keywords OBSLONG, OBSLAT, OBS-LONG, OBS-LAT to fits reader.
2020-6-25 ASTAP ß0.9.380
Small correction in asteroid midpoint time calculation.
2020-6-25 ASTAP ß0.9.379
Fixed a longitude calculation for asteroid annotation.
2020-6-22 ASTAP ß0.9.378
Added saving of colour saturation setting.
2020-6-20 ASTAP ß0.9.377 Fixed a runtime error in case
the image has value above 65535.
2020-6-19 ASTAP ß0.9.377 Modified
the de-bayer preview function. Now auto level and colour smooth are
applied as set tab stack menthod.
2020-6-17 ASTAP ß0.9.376 To
cope with raws converted by Libraw having black outer areas, the
histogram routine ignores outer areas (few percent) of the images. Some
other minor corrections. Added G18 star database installer installers.
2020-6-13 ASTAP ß0.9.375
Added special dcraw version for Linux to read metadata of camera and
write it to comment section of ppm file.
2020-6-12 ASTAP ß0.9.374
raw conversion with DCRAW (for windows) modified. Now
exposure, iso, date, model are read from raw file.
2020-6-11 ASTAP ß0.9.373
Redesigned histogram interface.
2020-6-9 ASTAP ß0.9.372
Reinstated DCRaw for conversion raw files. You can now select
between DCRAW and Libraw. Split the option level adjust and
colour smooth for OSC images. Sigma factor for colour smooth made
2020-6-3 ASTAP ß0.9.371
Added some monitoring options to live stacking.
2020-5-31 ASTAP ß0.9.370
Fixed problem solving near the celestial pole.
2020-5-29 ASTAP ß0.9.369
Added to viewer popup menu copy image to clipboard.
2020-5-28 ASTAP ß0.9.368
Development version. Improvement in solving. Fixed a problem
solving images of the celestial pole.
2020-5-26 ASTAP ß0.9.367
Development version. Rewrote star detection routine. Should
be more tolerant to unround star images.
2020-5-23 ASTAP ß0.9.366
Development version. Added warning"Star database limit
reached". If this happens often, install the G18.
2020-5-22 ASTAP ß0.9.365
Made solver/stack routine less sensitive to hot pixels.
2020-5-20 ASTAP ß0.9.364
Development version which can save FITS tables. Some other
small improvements.
2020-5-17 ASTAP ß0.9.363
Development version which can read FITS extensions containing
2020-5-8 ASTAP ß0.9.362
Some optimisation in stacking method average. Adding the
possibility to read and display FITS tables. Added option -wcs to
export wcs files without carriage return.
2020-5-7 ASTAP ß0.9.361
Introduced debayer method "Simple". Removed methods super
pixel and Bayer drizzle.
2020-5-6 ASTAP ß0.9.360
Fixed a problem with Libraw showing unused sensor areas.
2020-5-6 ASTAP ß0.9.359
Fixed broken DSLR support since 0.9.356
2020-5-6 ASTAP ß0.9.358
Fixed FOV calculation using XPIXSZ keyword introduced a few
versions ago.
2020-5-6 ASTAP ß0.9.357
Fixed a runtime error, especially when trying to solve a jpeg
2020-5-5 ASTAP ß0.9.356
Introduced option "calibration and alignment only".
drizzle option. Added adjustable size for annotations. Changed
annotations for small sizes to two lines. Some small changes. Add
support for PFM files.
2020-5-2 ASTAP ß0.9.355
Fixed major bug reading floating point FITS files
introduced in version 0.9.354.
2020-5-2 ASTAP ß0.9.354
More improvements in LRGB stacking, automated range selection
for AstroC debayering. Improved binning selection.
2020-4-30 ASTAP ß0.9.353
Improved LRGB stacking.
2020-4-27 ASTAP ß0.9.350
Fixed calibration prior to solving for stacking.
2020-4-27 ASTAP ß0.9.349
Fixed a major bug in colour stacking introduced in version
2020-4-26 ASTAP ß0.9.348
Reintroduced local astrometry.net in batch menu solver.
Improved warning messages. Add some extra checks while stacking.
ASTAP 0.9.347 not released.
2020-4-21 ASTAP ß0.9.346
Fixed rows copy from popup menu.
2020-4-20 ASTAP ß0.9.346
Fixed sigma clip method for manual and ephemeris stacking.
2020-4-18 ASTAP ß0.9.345
Fixed some minor problem in ephemeris stacking. Added the
possibility to switch off the annotation.
2020-4-18 ASTAP ß0.9.344
Added a check form MPCORB.DAT and CometEls.txt.
2020-4-17 ASTAP ß0.9.343
Major change. Completed menu for emphemeris stacking. Removed
astrometry.net option.
2020-4-16 ASTAP ß0.9.342
Introduced comet annotation and alignment using
Fixed a problem in asteroid annotation. Asteroids 180 degrees on the
other side of the sky where plotted in the image.
2020-4-14 ASTAP ß0.9.341
Introduced asteroid alignment using ephemerides.
Reduced the warning for minimum height below 960 pixels.
2020-4-7 ASTAP ß0.9.340
If in the command line -fov 0 (auto) is specified, the by
solving found fov will be preserved for next command line.
2020-4-3 ASTAP ß0.9.339
Fixed problem stacking raw files. Introduced copy paste tool
copying part of the image for cosmetic purpose like fixing background.
2020-4-2 ASTAP ß0.9.338
Improved pop-up menu option "measure total magnitude within
2020-4-1 ASTAP ß0.9.337
Added extra preset settings for viewer. Modified menu of
routine for extracting one pixel position from the Bayer
mosaic files.
2020-3-28 ASTAP ß0.9.336
Improved B&W or colour detection for TIF, JPG files.
2020-3-27 ASTAP ß0.9.335
Improved star detection with respect to hotpixels. Very minor
speed increase. Improved colour replacement function in tab pixel math
2020-3-18 ASTAP ß0.9.334
Cosmetic fix in tab results in case your using for
a 4k resolution screen.
2020-3-17 ASTAP ß0.9.333
Fixed equalise tool in tab pixel math
2020-3-15 ASTAP ß0.9.332
Fixed recent files menu for raw files. Added one extra
decimal to
measured magnitude in the statusbar. Improved object name retrieval
from file name.
2020-3-7 ASTAP ß0.9.331
Added support for Fujifilm X-trans sensors. (6x6 Bayer
Fixed a discrepancy between stacking debayer format and viewing debayer
2020-3-5 ASTAP ß0.9.330
Fixed batch annotation.
2020-3-3 ASTAP ß0.9.329
Fixed error reading raw. Asteroid annotation can be saved
with the FITS. Batch asteroid annotation intended for blinking.
2020-2-26 ASTAP ß0.9.328
Mayor code reorganisation. Fixed esc button problem resulting
disabled menu. Fixed photometry magnitude problem introduced some time
2020-2-24 ASTAP ß0.9.327
Improved selection star database in tab alignment.
2020-2-23 ASTAP ß0.9.326
Split the program and star database for the MacOS. The
with Johnson-V is now called V17. in header. Select the database in tab
2020-2-22 ASTAP ß0.9.325
Improved text of magnitude indication for stars brighter then
magn 10. Fix for negative CDELT2 values from PI solution in header.
2020-2-19 ASTAP ß0.9.323/4
Maintenance edition. Fixed batch binning. Made mean of
pixelmath 2, add noise zeor. Increased zoom factor for Windows.
2020-2-15 ASTAP ß0.9.322
Significant internal reorganisation. While stacking now
preserving astrometric solution of reference image.
2020-2-13 ASTAP ß0.9.321
Added some info to asteroid annotation.
2020-2-13 ASTAP ß0.9.320
Added minimum star size factor to filter out
hotpixels. Improved latitude/longitude reading header.
2020-2-12 ASTAP ß0.9.319
Added asteroid annotation to viewer!
2020-2-8 ASTAP ß0.9.318a
For inspector tab removed a limit for hfd>15.
2020-2-7 ASTAP ß0.9.318
Modified the inspector code. Improved star detection code.
2020-2-2 ASTAP ß0.9.317
Improved plot speed while pulling a rectangle with the right
mouse button down. Fixed major bug in stacking with astrometry.net
2020-1-28 ASTAP ß0.9.316
Improved curve fitting inspector tab.
2020-1-22 ASTAP ß0.9.315
Improved inspector tab.
2020-1-21 ASTAP ß0.9.314
Improved inspector tab. See
2020-1-20 ASTAP ß0.9.313
Added inspector tab.
2020-1-19 ASTAP ß0.9.312a
Added ignore error for write .wcs file as required by some
APT users.
2020-1-18 ASTAP ß0.9.312
Fixed popup notifier
height indication in degrees. It was displaying the default value
rather then from the FITS header data.
2020-1-18 ASTAP ß0.9.311
Fixed a major problem in the alignment tab created in version
2020-1-17 ASTAP ß0.9.310
Changed reporting CCD inspector to delta HFD. Added comet
centering option to manual stacking.
2020-1-4 ASTAP ß0.9.309
Minor change in sharpness value reporting.
2020-1-3 ASTAP ß0.9.308
Added sharpness value to image list. Fixed stacking of JPEG
2019-12-18 ASTAP ß0.9.307
Fixed a 0.9.306 problem in writing FITS files after average
stacking. Fixed 8 bit file stacking.
2019-12-16 ASTAP ß0.9.306
Added automatic selection de-bayer pattern. Introduced ring
equalise. Updated local equalise tool viewer. Some minor
2019-11-26 ASTAP ß0.9.305
Modified ctrl-z buffer from one step to three steps.
Reorganized pixel math tab
2019-11-24 ASTAP ß0.9.304
Improved colour replace routine in pixel math1.
2019-11-23 ASTAP ß0.9.303
Fixed again OSC/mono dectection. Some cosmetic improvmenents.
2019-11-22 ASTAP ß0.9.302
Some modification in the colour replace routine
2019-11-22 ASTAP ß0.9.301
Added the colour replace routine to pixelmath, This could
help to remove green light pollution from your images.
2019-11-17 ASTAP ß0.9.300
Fixed some minor things in the solver. Added colour
correction to live stacking.
2019-11-15 ASTAP ß0.9.299b
Added image dimensions to pixel scale calculator. Code
2019-11-14 ASTAP ß0.9.299a
Small modification warning messages.
2019-11-13 ASTAP ß0.9.299
Added warnings and errors to solution.
2019-11-11 ASTAP ß0.9.298
Added CR3 support. For Linux you have to compile and install
very lastest libraw library. Libraw has replaced dcraw. Introduced
errorlevel for commandline. Fixed live stacking for SGP
2019-11-08 ASTAP ß0.9.297
Fixed a run time error in Linux version in stack function
worst images". Fixed some Hi-DPI alignment problems for 4k monitors.
2019-11-06 ASTAP ß0.9.296
Improved naming of stacked file.
2019-11-06 ASTAP ß0.9.295a
Adapted the PlateSolve2 mode for APT 3.76.1
2019-11-04 ASTAP ß0.9.295
Increased the execution speed of the arbitrary rotation. Some
cosmetic changes.
2019-11-03 ASTAP ß0.9.294
Added arbitrary rotation for FITS files.
2019-11-02 Updated the
star database G17 colour version. The previous version was installed in
the wrong directory c:\program files\hnsky
2019-10-31 ASTAP ß0.9.293
Removed in live stacking the sub directory search, for
stacking added sigma factor to option remove hot pixels.
2019-10-30 ASTAP ß0.9.292
Stacking: added an option to replace unstable hotpixels with
neighbour values.
2019-10-30 ASTAP ß0.9.291
Overhauled angle reporting in PlateSolve2 mode to mimic
2019-10-28 ASTAP ß0.9.290
Live stacking, prevent an error message if a file
is in use.
2019-10-27 ASTAP ß0.9.289
Linux version, fixed a command line
runtime problem, fixed a compiler problem for arm64 version.
2019-10-26 ASTAP ß0.9.288
Linux version, fixed a command line runtime problem
2019-10-24 ASTAP ß0.9.287
Fixed a rare run time error problem using the deepsky
2019-10-24 ASTAP ß0.9.286a
Fixed a problem with the MacOS version. Saving of the FITS
2019-10-23 ASTAP ß0.9.286
Added binning for stack alignment. This will help to stack
reliable OSC images. Modified the TIFF export to 32 bit float. This
readable by Photoshop and Gimp.
2019-10-22 Modified setting
path in MacOS version v0.9.284a
2019-10-21 ASTAP ß0.9.285
Fixed a tiff file problem with live stacking.
2019-10-20 ASTAP ß0.9.284
Added RAW, JPEG, TIFF, PNG format to Live stacking.
2019-10-19 ASTAP ß0.9.283
Fixed some problems in Live stacking.
2019-10-19 ASTAP ß0.9.282
Fixed some problems in Live stacking.
2019-10-18 ASTAP ß0.9.281
Fixed some problems in Live stacking.
2019-10-18 ASTAP ß0.9.280
Some small corrections.
2019-10-18 ASTAP ß0.9.279
Some small changes in "live stacking"
2019-10-17 ASTAP ß0.9.278
Added "live stacking". Added memo scroll to end for

2019-10-16 ASTAP ß0.9.277
Added camera gain to the listview. Added fits header keyword
values of AMB-TEMP and TAMBIENT to FocTemp in list to stack.
2019-10-12 ASTAP ß0.9.276a
Removed a beep sound which was left after testing.
2019-10-10 ASTAP ß0.9.276
Added the command line option -analyse
2019-10-01 ASTAP ß0.9.275
Fixed a double menu shortcut. Improved automatic detection
OSC raw images.
2019-09-30 ASTAP ß0.9.274
Added auto mode for FOV.
2019-09-30 ASTAP ß0.9.273a
Prevent run time failure when trying to de-mosaic a fully
saturated image.
2019-09-29, ASTAP ß0.9.273
Overhauled Mosaic routine for smoother borders. Added 180
degrees swap of FITS data.
2019-09-27, ASTAP ß0.9.272
Commandline has now priority above fits header. Fixed image
sticking option. Removed some additional platesolve2 menus.
2019-09-26, ASTAP ß0.9.271
Moved messages from window.caption to statusbar. Annotations
will be saved in the FITS header under key "annotate="
2019-09-24, ASTAP ß0.9.270
Set default downsampling to zero (automatic). Limited the
database field
internally to 10 degrees. Added support for readout of
polynomial SIP ( Simple Imaging Polynomial) calibration.
2019-09-23, ASTAP ß0.9.269
Added -log option to the command line. Added to viewer menu
the option "inverse image".
2019-09-20, ASTAP ß0.9.268
Fixed a window popup after failure to solve.
ASTAP versions 0.9.264 / 0.9.265/ 0.9.266 / 0.9.267 are effected by a
command-line mode bug. If used in the commandline mode and the solving
fails an ASTAP window will open and wait for user input. It doesn't
happen if ASTAP is used as a PlateSolve2 substitute. So only NINA and
CCDCiel program users are effected.
versions where available for download between 2019-9-17 and 2019-9-20.
If you have one of these versions, please upgrade to version 0.9.268
2019-09-20, ASTAP ß0.9.267
Fixed a brief window popup after command line solving.
2019-09-20, ASTAP ß0.9.266a
Some changes in font size, mainly for Linux.
2019-09-19, ASTAP ß0.9.266
Introduced 90 degree rotation for the viewer.
2019-09-18, ASTAP ß0.9.265
Introduced automatic selection down sampling {=0}
2019-09-17, ASTAP ß0.9.264
Improved shutdown process when called from other program
2019-09-16, ASTAP ß0.9.263
2019-09-15, ASTAP ß0.9.262
Added drop file(s) functionality.
2019-09-14, ASTAP ß0.9.261
Added an option to calibrate an image prior to solving. This
intended for uncooled and therefore noisy cameras.
2019-09-11, ASTAP ß0.9.260
Improved SNR calculation and therefore solving of star rich
2019-09-10, ASTAP ß0.9.259
Added manual solving by entering two stars positions. Rewrote
math of annotation.
2019-09-8, Minot tweak in the star databases.
2019-09-6, ASTAP ß0.9.258a
Cosmetic menu changes.
2019-09-4, ASTAP ß0.9.258
Blink routine, clears default the edges, fixed the star
suppression problem, added a black spot
filter for button "export
2019-09-3, released i386 and arm64
(aarch64) versions.
2019-08-31, ASTAP ß0.9.257a
Minor functionality changes for button "export
2019-08-30, ASTAP ß0.9.257
Added automatic scroll function for tab images. Added "export aligned"
button to blink tab. Added at image tab extra column "star-level" to
detect poor images. Poor sky transparency will give a lower value.
2019-08-29, Added named bright stars to the
deepsky database.
2019-08-28, ASTAP ß0.9.256
Fixed a galaxy orientation problem in the annotation routine.
2019-08-20, ASTAP ß0.9.255
Removed restrictions on FOV. Fields of 10 or 20 degrees are allowed.
Added -o commandline option for MacOS, Others will follow.
2019-08-20, ASTAP ß0.9.254
For APT calls adapt PlateSolve2 behaviour to v2.28. Decimal
separator follows Windows setting.
2019-08-17, ASTAP ß0.9.253
Fixed a star annotation problem in the 32 bit version.
2019-08-15, ASTAP ß0.9.253
Fixed a minor solver problem around RA=0.
2019-08-14, ASTAP ß0.9.252
Several small cosmetic changes and corrections.
2019-08-10, ASTAP ß0.9.251
Mayor work-over astrometric solver. Increased solving
reliability at star database boundaries.
2019-08-6, ASTAP ß0.9.250
Added 16, 14 and 12 bit DSLR cameras options
for deBayer method AstroC.
2019-08-5, ASTAP ß0.9.249
Fixed a problem for Bias files, conversion raw to
2019-08-5, ASTAP ß0.9.248
Fixed a problem importing TIFF files with comments.
2019-08-5, ASTAP ß0.9.247a
Added in the colour smooth routine an automatic green
correction to prevent purple stars
2019-08-4, ASTAP ß0.9.247
Modified colour smooth routine OSC images.
2019-08-4, ASTAP ß0.9.246
Adding automatically the user name to the path of the remote
2019-08-2, ASTAP ß0.9.245
Fixed menu colour for other themes.
2019-08-2, ASTAP ß0.9.244
Added possibility to load settings. Modified directory of
astap.cdg. For Windows moved to C:\Users\user name\AppData\Local\astap.
For Linux move to /home/username/.config/astap
Added .nef
2019-07-28, ASTAP ß0.9.243
Avoiding reporting negative angles in PlateSolve2 mode. SGP
seems to interpretate negative angles wrongly.
2019-07-23, ASTAP ß0.9.242
Fixed major bug colour correction if oversize was selected.
2019-07-22, ASTAP ß0.9.241
Fixed major bug in sigma clip stacking. Limited star
annotation in crowded areas.
2019-06-23, ASTAP ß0.9.240
Improved viewer pop-up routine adding labels. Fixed the viewer
browse problem in Linux.
2019-06-16, ASTAP ß0.9.239
Added to the viewer pop-up menu a new tool to measure the
magnitude of extended deep sky objects. See astap.htm#viewer_popup
2019-06-13, ASTAP ß0.9.238
Minor improvements photometry tab.
2019-06-11, ASTAP ß0.9.237a
Fixed a runtime failure in photometry
2019-06-11, ASTAP ß0.9.237
Improved photometry menu tab
2019-06-10, ASTAP ß0.9.236
Improved the batch option in the viewer tools menu.
2019-06-9, ASTAP ß0.9.235
Improvements photometry tab
2019-06-8, ASTAP ß0.9.233/4
Program stacks now correctly images of different exposure.
some small things in photometry tab. Fixed some run time problems in
Photometry. Fixed tools option bin 2x2.
2019-06-7, ASTAP ß0.9.232
Fixed the command line solver for Raspberry Pi
2019-06-6, ASTAP ß0.9.231
Added variable star annotation. Fixed some problems in
astrometric stacking if input files don't contains an initial position.
2019-06-4, ASTAP ß0.9.230
Added the file date of raw files to photometry.
2019-06-4, ASTAP ß0.9.229
Fixed some other problems in colour stacking.
2019-06-4, ASTAP ß0.9.228
Fixed an other major bug in the stacking routine. One
problem in colour stacking outstanding.
2019-06-3, ASTAP ß0.9.227
Fixed an bug in colour stack mode.
2019-06-3, ASTAP ß0.9.226
Mayor code rework. Made two seperate tabs for blink
photometry. Fixes a major problem using astrometric alignment
2019-06-2, ASTAP ß0.9.225
Improved ra, dec marker.
2019-06-1, ASTAP ß0.9.224
Improved magnitude measurement using statistics. Measuring
exoplanets transits is now possible:

2019-05-30, ASTAP ß0.9.223
Improved messaging blink routine. Removed markers saturated
2019-05-29, ASTAP ß0.9.222c
Upgraded the analyse button for the blink & photometry tab.
Several other code improvements.
2019-05-28, ASTAP ß0.9.221
Added Julian day to Blink list. Improved some other things.
2019-05-28, ASTAP ß0.9.219-220
Fixed some problems in the new blink routine.
2019-05-27, ASTAP ß0.9.218
Significant update blink routine. It is now possible to
a magnitude trend of a variable star. See option find variable stars.
2019-05-24, ASTAP ß0.9.217
Improved FITS header of stacked images. DATE-OBS is now
indicating the start time of the exposure.
2019-05-23, ASTAP ß0.9.216
Added a possibility to add the rounded Julian day to keyword
OBJECT. This allows grouping of a large series based on time.
2019-05-18, ASTAP ß0.9.215
Fixed some minor things.
2019-05-15, ASTAP ß0.9.214
Fixed some FITS compatibility problems.
2019-05-14, ASTAP ß0.9.213
Added HFD plot to CCD inspector.
2019-05-10, ASTAP ß0.9.212
Modified astrometric solver routine. For images with low
count, the database search window is oversized rather then
small steps. Should work a little more reliable and faster for short
exposure images.
2019-05-08, ASTAP ß0.9.211
Fixed font used in HyperLeda annotation to 8.
2019-05-07, ASTAP ß0.9.210
Fixed an error if no darks are available. Added compression
to TIFF files.
2019-05-05, ASTAP ß0.9.209
One instance only. If the program is associated
with FITS image files or any format,
it will show only one instance
of ASTAP. After clicking on the second image it will be
show in the first instance of ASTAP. If you want to open a second
instance, just start ASTAP. If the program is started without
parameters, you can open more instances.
2019-04-30, ASTAP ß0.9.208
Added HyperLeda annotation to the tools menu.
2019-04-27, ASTAP ß0.9.207
Removed dark filter. Without the resulting stacked image
noise is lower due to DSNU (dark signal
2019-04-26, ASTAP ß0.9.206
Fixed blue pixels for monochrome images. Increased speed file
of subtraction in pixel math.
2019-04-23, ASTAP ß0.9.205
Moved saturation slider to viewer.
2019-04-21, ASTAP ß0.9.204
Modified smart colour smooth filter and some other items
2019-04-18, ASTAP ß0.9.203
Added saturation adjustment in pixel math. Renamed "bright
colour filter" to "smart colour filter". Replaced smooth
for LRGB by "smart colour filter."
2019-04-17, ASTAP ß0.9.202
Cosmetic improvements only.
2019-04-15, ASTAP ß0.9.201
Fixed a major bug in the alternative background
calculation for astrometric solving.
2019-04-14, ASTAP ß0.9.200
Improved the execution speed a little.
2019-04-14, ASTAP ß0.9.199
Big improvement in AstroC demosaic method. Move demosaic
preview option to pull down menu viewer.
2019-04-11, ASTAP ß0.9.198
Added keywords cwhite, cblack to header. Some internal
2019-04-6, ASTAP ß0.9.197
Fixed a problem with applying dark and flats when selecting
multiple images series. Prevent deepsky annotation overlap.
2019-04-4, ASTAP ß0.9.196
Added the possibility to add the object position using the
deepsky database. Double click on RA position in viewer. Intended
forJPG, PNG files as start point for solver. Fixed several
small things.

2019-03-31, ASTAP ß0.9.195
Improve "Bright star smoother"for saturated stars OSC images. See pixe
math. Apply this after OSC stacking and F9 (colour adust)
2019-03-28, ASTAP ß0.9.194
Modified PlateSolve2 behavior. If
you select in SGP the PlateSolve2 setting "Max Regions" (=3000) this
will force a search up to 90 degrees diameter. However the solver
will be most likely stopped halfway by a SGP timeout. Improved
DEC format in popupnotifier.
2019-03-26, ASTAP ß0.9.193
Adapted stacking for images with background above 32000.
2019-03-24, ASTAP ß0.9.192
Modified stacking routine. Image background will be brought to the same
level (1000) prior to stacking.
Modified native command line. Change
-dec to -spd
(south pole distance). Command line doesn't allows negative values.
2019-03-23, ASTAP ß0.9.191
Added a pop-up notifier for command line only.
2019-03-21, ASTAP ß0.9.190
Added gradient tool to pixel math. Fixed a problem with drizzle.
2019-03-16, ASTAP ß0.9.189
Fixed quality filter. Repeated analyse has no influence.
2019-03-16, ASTAP ß0.9.188
Added percentage to filter out worst images. Removed a solution check
from blinking which caused problems.
2019-03-12, ASTAP ß0.9.187
Forcing delete of old solutions of new files in the browser to
2019-03-7, ASTAP ß0.9.186
Fixed a failure reporting parameter in the PlateSolve2
report output.
2019-03-7, ASTAP ß0.9.185
Reduced search field using Platesolve2 commandline with factor
2019-03-4, ASTAP ß0.9.184
Fixed a format problem with strings in FITS header.
2019-03-4, ASTAP ß0.9.183
Added a noise removal routine. Some minor adjustments.
2019-03-1, ASTAP ß0.9.182
Improved astroC demosaic method. Prevented clamping if
colours are adjusted.
2019-02-27, ASTAP ß0.9.181
Improved bayer drizzle demosaic routine, fixed a problem in AstroM
demosaic routine, added local monochrome and gaussian blur in mouse
pop-up. Local monochrome is to fix colour problems in bright stars.
2019-02-22, ASTAP ß0.9.180
Allowed reading FITS keywords with string values other then start
position 11.
2019-02-20, ASTAP ß0.9.179
Fixed a problem with saving solved jpeg/png/tiff files using
2019-02-20, ASTAP ß0.9.178a
Compiled for Hi-DPI, 4k monitors
2019-02-18, ASTAP ß0.9.178
Allow stacking of JPEG, TIFF files. For command line use of solver, FOV
of fits file keys overrules specified FOV.
2019-02-17, ASTAP ß0.9.177
Fixed 16 bit monochrome PNG export. Added help for statistical
2019-02-16, ASTAP ß0.9.176
Added statistical filtering images. Added 16 bit PNG support.
2019-02-10, ASTAP ß0.9.175
Increased the speed by suppressing update memo in viewer while handling
files. Changed some default settings.
2019-02-09, ASTAP ß0.9.174
Added background and noise level to darks en flats file list. Added
4x4mean for flats. Added "reset to default settings" menu option.
2019-02-08, ASTAP ß0.9.173
Added Bayer-drizzle demosaic routine. Fixed XISF reader for files with
larger header.
2019-02-07, ASTAP ß0.9.172
Fixed a runtime error bug using astrometric alignment and flats or
2019-02-06, ASTAP ß0.9.171
VERSIONS. Added AstroC demosaic routine for better saturated
color. Will work on a Bayer Drizzle demosaic routine in next version.
2019-02-05, ASTAP ß0.9.170
Fixed a run time failure in the OSC colour stack routine.
2019-02-05, ASTAP ß0.9.169
Improved remove deepsky routine. Added at pixel math an option to apply
a flat (colour or mono) manually.
2019-02-04, ASTAP ß0.9.168
Added a routine to fix colouring of saturated stars.
2019-01-24, ASTAP ß0.9.167
Improved XISF reader. Modified create FITS header routine.
2019-01-24, ASTAP ß0.9.166
Adding copy image list
information to clipboard. This allows export of FITS file
data such as HFD, temperatures, altitude, focuser position to a
spreadsheet for analysis.
2019-01-22, ASTAP ß0.9.165
Extensive code optimisation. Added some extra messages for colour
stacking. Added 64 bit float XISF import. Fixed FITS
for PlateSolve2 substitute use.
2019-01-18, ASTAP ß0.9.164
Added possibility to read uncompressed XISF files.
2019-01-16, ASTAP ß0.9.163
Fixed/improved artifical flat-correction tool. Reorganised pixel math
2019-01-15, ASTAP ß0.9.162
Adapted the (star) saturation detection to the dark subtracted.
2019-01-15, ASTAP ß0.9.161
For manual alignment, changed behaviour for locking on objects.
2019-01-14, ASTAP ß0.9.160
Improved interface/handling of marked objects for manual
alignment. So the object selection stays at the same place when you
2019-01-13, ASTAP ß0.9.159
Fixed a problem with manual stacking for seperate R, G, B files.
2019-01-11, ASTAP ß0.9.158
Added a check in the manual stacking to test if all images have a
reference object selected.
2019-01-11, ASTAP ß0.9.157
Added auto for +x- tool in pixel math. Added preserve routine for
saturated stars. Added demosaic
method astro-bilinear-interpolation
2019-01-09, ASTAP ß0.9.155/6
Modified histogram and stack routine for colour due to some problems.
2019-01-08, ASTAP ß0.9.154
Fixed some colour problems, added background colour removal tool in
pixel math.
2019-01-05, ASTAP ß0.9.153
Fixed some things for OSC images. Made some minor modifications in
manual alignment interface. Added color smoothing filter in pixel math
2019-01-01, ASTAP ß0.9.152
Fixed new demosaic method for stacking. Was not selectected
2018-12-29, ASTAP ß0.9.151
Added de-mosaic method based on "HIGH-QUALITY LINEAR INTERPOLATION FOR
He, and Ross Cutler"
2018-12-29, ASTAP ß0.9.150
Fixed some bugs for OSC images.
2018-12-27, ASTAP ß0.9.149
Improved code at many places. JPEG, PNG formats are now beter
integrated. Improved solver.
2018-12-27, ASTAP ß0.9.148
Modfied space bar refresh. Was influencing typing image center position.
2018-12-21, ASTAP ß0.9.147
Added distortion tool. Several other small corrections.
2018-12-14, ASTAP ß0.9.146 Fixed
live distance calculation.
2018-12-13, ASTAP ß0.9.145 Fixed
solving JPEG images.
2018-12-09, ASTAP ß0.9.144 Released
MacOS version with correct color and DCRAW integrated.
2018-12-08, ASTAP ß0.9.144 More
menu improvements.
2018-12-07, ASTAP ß0.9.143 Some
menu improvements.
2018-12-05, ASTAP ß0.9.142 Added
the possibility to force the star database used.
2018-12-04, ASTAP ß0.9.141 Added
importing PFM format (32 bit float export from Photoshop). Fixed a
problem in PPM/PGM reading.
2018-12-04, ASTAP ß0.9.140
Mayor overhaul in stretching routine. Colour preserving stretching
introduced. Faint stars and nebula keep now their colour.
2018-11-27, ASTAP ß0.9.139
Small changes, introduced artificial
colouring function in pixel math.
2018-11-25, ASTAP ß0.9.138
Adapted solving for very large
fields. Introduced cropping and "forge small search steps" for this.
2018-10-30, ASTAP ß0.9.137
Cosmetic changes.
2018-10-29, ASTAP ß0.9.136
Fixed some problems with file
2018-10-29, ASTAP ß0.9.135
Fixed some problems with RAW files.
2018-10-29, ASTAP ß0.9.134
Allowing stacking of DSLR RAW files
2018-10-27, ASTAP ß0.9.133
Improved help file and link.
2018-10-26, ASTAP ß0.9.132
Improved dark images handling for
sensors with amp-glow.
2018-10-24, ASTAP ß0.9.131 Image
dimensions in degrees is now also indicated after solving.
2018-10-22, ASTAP ß0.9.130
minor menu corrections
2018-10-20, ASTAP ß0.9.129
Raspberry PI 3 version
2018-10-19, ASTAP ß0.9.129
macOS version
2018-10-11, ASTAP ß0.9.128,
Improved equalising background for image stitching mode (mosaic). Fixed
some small bugs.
2018-10-10, ASTAP ß0.9.127,
Fixed PlateSolve2 command line for use with SGP or APT and DSLR
Start position was only taken from FITs header not command line. Added
log file called
"documents\astap_log.txt" for
PlateSolve2 commands only.
2018-10-8, ASTAP ß0.9.126,
Overhauled the image stitching routine (mosaic). Better adaption to
different tiles. Overhauled vertical/horizontal swap routine to fix one
image line
2018-10-5, ASTAP ß0.9.125,
Overhauled stack history in FITS header. Now full stacking history
available in FITS header
2018-10-4, ASTAP ß0.9.124,
Stacking speed at least four times faster!
2018-10-2, ASTAP ß0.9.123,
Made dark spot filter permanent active. Improved the dark spot
2018-10-1, ASTAP ß0.9.121/122,
fixed a problem combining colours with one rotated.
2018-10-1, ASTAP ß0.9.120,
added the possibility to add a pedestal value to the final stack result
to prevent negative values.
2018-9-29, ASTAP ß0.9.119,
Fixed a tiny error (1,5 pixels) for center position calculated
by the solver.
2018-9-28, ASTAP ß0.9.118b,
Gained 1% astrometric solving speed by stripping some code in star
database read routine. Note that the 32 bit version performance 66%
slower in a 64 bit system. So download the 64 bit version if your
system is 64 bit.
2018-9-27, ASTAP ß0.9.118,
Fixed a bug in reading star database for finding astrometric solution,
slower speed but increased reliability.
2018-9-25, ASTAP ß0.9.117a,
PlateSolve2 mode, program waits with closing till apm file is existing
on disk.
2018-9-25, ASTAP ß0.9.117,
Optimized magnitude control loop. Solving about twice as fast.
2018-9-25, ASTAP ß0.9.116,
Optimized star detecting algorithm using images from
Astrometry.net upload.
2018-9-24, ASTAP ß0.9.115,
Added the -s and -t command line option. Added some checks for file
handling. Writes and additional .ini file in PlateSolve2 command line
mode for debugging.
2018-9-21, ASTAP ß0.9.114,
Perfected search pattern in the sky removing any duplication.
2018-9-20, ASTAP ß0.9.113,
Bug fix edition. Achieving blind solve of a 50 seconds exposure with an
offset of 180 degrees distance in 380 seconds!
2018-9-19, ASTAP ß0.9.112,
Adapted -32 bit fits reader to 0..1 scale.
2018-9-19, ASTAP ß0.9.111,
Relaxed on double star detection. Some minor fixed and added some hints.
2018-9-16, ASTAP ß0.9.110,
Fixed a slow down by star detection.
2018-9-16, ASTAP ß0.9.109,
Fixed some other problems.
2018-9-16, ASTAP ß0.9.107,
Fixed binning.
2018-9-16, ASTAP ß0.9.106,
Mayor overhaul in solving engine.
Introduced down sampling/binning.
Numerous small improvements.
2018-9-12, ASTAP ß0.9.105,
Increased accuracy of angle reported by the internal solver. Fixed
bug in saving 16 bit images for values above 32k. Added caret
indication for fits header. Many small
2018-9-7, ASTAP ß0.9.104,
added test image generation in pixel math.
2018-9-4, ASTAP ß0.9.103,
added a warning for the case that a restore hot-pixels is used and too
many pixels are restored. This could happen for cameras with amp-glow.
2018-9-1, ASTAP ß0.9.102, some
cosmetic improvements.
2018-8-29, ASTAP ß0.9.101,
improved file naming.
2018-8-29, ASTAP ß0.9.100,
code optimisation.
2018-8-29, ASTAP ß0.9.99,
Added two new filters for LRGB color images. The 3x3mean and 2x2mean.
The 3x3mean works wel.
2018-8-28, ASTAP ß0.9.98,
Fixed some things in astrometric stacking.
2018-8-27, ASTAP ß0.9.97,
For Windows moved astap.cfg from documents folder to to \user\username
Fixed a problem plate solving twice.
2018-8-24, ASTAP ß0.9.96,
Fixed FWHM calculation. Improved HFD calculation for faint stars.
2018-8-22, ASTAP ß0.9.95,
Viewer improvements. Preserving now the plate solving in case the image
is cropped. Memo containing the FITS header is now updated instantly in
case image is cropped or made mono. Ctrl-Z is also restoring
FITS header.
2018-8-18, ASTAP ß0.9.94,
Added colour annotation of stars if G16 star database is present.
Remove G17.
2018-8-16, ASTAP ß0.9.93,
Added experimental photometry option to the viewer. After plate
solving, select calibration photometry in the viewer tools menu. This
will allow magnitude measurement of the stars. The magnitude
values is displayed in the status bar. The G17 database will
give BP magnitudes for unfiltered mono CCD's. If
replaced by
the G16 and a Johnson-V filter is used it will give Johnson-V
values. Works for mono/red channel only.
2018-8-14, ASTAP ß0.9.92a, Minor
text and hint updates.
2018-8-13, ASTAP ß0.9.92,
New blink routine. New alignment option to calibrate images
only. Some minor menu improvements.
2018-8-05, ASTAP ß0.9.91,
Some minor menu improvements.
2018-7-31, ASTAP ß0.9.90,
Added some functions to pop-up menu of the thumbnails
2018-7-30, ASTAP ß0.9.89,
Added thumbnails option for viewer.
2018-7-27, ASTAP ß0.9.88a,
Fixed some text labels in the Linux version.
2018-7-27, ASTAP ß0.9.88,
Minor correction in the menus.
2018-7-26, ASTAP ß0.9.87,
Added a preview button. Preserve filterindex of the openfile
and savefile dialogs
2018-7-22, ASTAP ß0.9.86,
Added new remove borders tool (see pop-up menu)
2018-7-22, ASTAP ß0.9.85,
Fixed a fatal problem in sigma clip stacking.
2018-7-19, ASTAP ß0.9.84,
Fixed a run-time problem with de-mosaic Bayer. Introduced
manual alignment.
2018-7-16, ASTAP ß0.9.83,
Added super-pixel option for demosaic RAW OSC images.
2018-7-14, ASTAP ß0.9.82,
Added split function for RAW Bayer array images. This will
split them into seperate R,G,G, B files.
2018-7-14, ASTAP ß0.9.81,
Fixed conversion routine for digital cameras using DCRAW.
2018-7-13, ASTAP ß0.9.80,
Mayor update. All darks, flats and bias will automatic
into masters. Activate classify by dark temperature, exposure and flat
field filter.
Secondly added color matrix.

2018-7-6, ASTAP ß0.9.79,
Added log file which will be written after stacking.
2018-7-6, ASTAP ß0.9.78,
Fixed a FITS write problems. Improved counting darks, flats
and flat-darks
2018-7-4, ASTAP ß0.9.77,
Added export to 16 bit PGM and PPM format. Several small
2018-7-3, ASTAP ß0.9.76,
Added PGM and PPM format. Added DCRAW program by David Coffin
for conversion of many camera files.
2018-7-2, ASTAP ß0.9.75,
Modified & improved LRGB stacking method. Stars are
from the RGB stack using the most common filter. Then a Gaussian blur
is applied with the same factor to remove any square artifacts if any.
Fixed a severe problem with uppercase .FIT extension. Added image to
FITS conversion tool. Fixed a color stacking problem introduced a week
2018-6-30, ASTAP ß0.9.74,
Improved mosaic mode. Some menu improvements.
2018-6-29, ASTAP ß0.9.72,
Improved mosaic mode. Some menu improvements.
2018-6-28, ASTAP ß0.9.71,
Fixed background routine. Change introduced in v0.9.68 didn't
2018-6-26, ASTAP ß0.9.69,
Added star annotation. See tool pulldown menu.
2018-6-26, ASTAP ß0.9.68,
Fixed missing colour for LRGB stacking.
2018-6-23, ASTAP ß0.9.67,
Fixed problem applying oversize twice.
2018-6-22, ASTAP ß0.9.66,
Improved mosaic mode. Introduced drizzle.
2018-6-16, ASTAP ß0.9.65,
Fixed some menu problems for stacking, improved RA, DEC
indication, added shutdown after completion option.
2018-5-26, ASTAP ß0.9.64,
Fixed annotation for flipped images (newton style
telescopes), and detection missing star database.
2018-5-22, ASTAP ß0.9.62,
Adaption to High-DPI systems
2018-5-20, ASTAP ß0.9.61,
Fixed a problem with viewer data range settings
2018-5-19, ASTAP ß0.9.60,
Added annotation to command line
2018-5-18, ASTAP ß0.9.59,
Introduced deep sky annotation under pull-down menu tools.

2018-5-18, ASTAP ß0.9.58,
Some improvement for stacking.
2018-5-18, ASTAP ß0.9.57,
Fixed a bug for mono imigaes introduced in version 0.9.56
2018-5-17, ASTAP ß0.9.56,
Fixed Maxim DL file compatibility
2018-5-16, ASTAP ß0.9.55,
Fixed some problems for color image stacking.
2018-5-14, ASTAP ß0.9.54,
Stack menu improvements.
2018-5-13, ASTAP ß0.9.53,
Introduced dark spot filter for CMOS stacked images.
2018-5-13, ASTAP ß0.9.52,
Fixed scroll bars stack menu.
2018-5-12, ASTAP ß0.9.51,
Added the FITS preview option to the file open dialog. See
Fixed standard deviation indication. Fixed gamma setting when loading
an image.

2018-5-11, ASTAP ß0.9.50,
Fixed a problem in the command line in version 0.9.49
2018-5-11, ASTAP ß0.9.49,
Fixed several small items for stacking.
2018-5-8, ASTAP ß0.9.48,
Adapted for the new Gaia DR2 database. It will work with U16,
G17 or G18 database.
2018-5-6, ASTAP ß0.9.47,
Introduced the local equalising command to
remove dark
areas in stacked images. See pop-up menu. Fixed some small things.
Program reads now
focal length and pixel size from Maxim DL files,
2018-5-3, ASTAP ß0.9.46,
Changed back the previous setup v0.9.44 for filename as
2018-5-3, ASTAP ß0.9.45,
Fixed the Platesolve2 command line.
2018-4-30, ASTAP ß0.9.44,
Several small improvements.
2018-4-28, ASTAP ß0.9.43,
Plate solve improvements for images going very deep. So speed
improvements plate solving. v0.9.41 and 0.9,42 have a bug for large
amount of stars.
2018-4-27, ASTAP ß0.9.40,
Many small improvement. Improved reliability. Introduced
overlap based on the number of pyramids in the image.
2018-4-26, ASTAP ß0.9.39,
Small improvements in plate solving . Added a check on number
of stars and pyramids in image.
2018-4-25, ASTAP ß0.9.38,
Small improvements in plate solving. Automatic diameter
2018-4-24, ASTAP ß0.9.37a,
Build the new command line interface for accessing the plate
solver. See command
line options
2018-4-23, ASTAP ß0.9.36,
Improved speed conversion PNG, JPG, TIF to FITS.
2018-4-22, ASTAP ß0.9.35,
Modified PlateSolve2 simulation.
2018-4-21, ASTAP ß0.9.34,
Removed PlateSolve2 dependency. Rename the program to
PlateSolve2.exe will work using the internal solver. So full
replacement for PlateSolve2. For a 30 degrees offset if will
a solution after 4 minutes or earlier.
2018-4-20, ASTAP ß0.9.33,
Fixed some detections levels for plate solving.
2018-4-19, ASTAP ß0.9.32,
Added adjustable minimum number of pyramids required. Typical
value for stacking 6 and just plate solving 3.
2018-4-19, ASTAP ß0.9.31,
Fixed application path to the U16 files.
2018-4-19, ASTAP ß0.9.30,
Added internal plate solver.
2018-4-18, ASTAP ß0.9.29,
Improved alignment.
2018-4-16, ASTAP ß0.9.28,
Improved alignment. Checking for outliers. Scaling factor no
longer required.
2018-4-12, ASTAP ß0.9.27,
Improved log in FITS header. Fixed some bugs.
2018-4-12, ASTAP ß0.9.26a,
Added some image info to the status bar. Introduced Windows
2018-4-10, ASTAP ß0.9.26,
Automatic sorting of lights, dark and flats. Pop-up menu has
option to update keywords of multiple files. Free sizing of FITS files
and noise generator in pixel math.
2018-4-9, ASTAP ß0.9.25a,
Allowing filtering on exposure & temperature for darks and
filter for flats.
2018-4-8, ASTAP ß0.9.24,
Allowing images of different astronomical scale. Intended for combining
RGB of a lower resolution with Luminance images, e.g. H-alpha. Several
other improvements
2018-4-5, ASTAP ß0.9.23c,
Allowing file name as parameter with spaces. So you set ASTAP as
default viewer for FITS, PNG, TIFF, JPG. Improved reporting in FITS
2018-4-4, ASTAP ß0.9.23a,
Introduced results page. Fixed image counting. Added image dimensions
to the list. Fixed an icon
2018-4-3, ASTAP ß0.9.22,
Several improvements. Allowing combing colour images with H-alpha.
2018-4-2, ASTAP ß0.9.20,
Fixed Gaussian blur in LRGB stacking. Fixed runtime error in saving
flats and flat darks. Fixed sigma clip stacking for LRGB.
2018-4-2, ASTAP ß0.9.18a,
Fixed 16 bit saving.
2018-4-1, ASTAP ß0.9.18,
Fixed regional settings. Ignore space character object name aand filter
name. Fixed RGB+L stacking.
2018-3-31, ASTAP ß0.9.17,
Several fixes LRGB stacking. Fixed color model LRGB stacking.
2018-3-30, ASTAP ß0.9.13b
Big overhaul in stack menu. Now you can stack several objects
one run. RGB and LRGB stacking is also possible. Files in
listview menu can be selective removed, added or stacked. Program uses
now images with lowest HFD as reference.
ASTAP ß0.9.12
Overhauled star detection and image inspector.
Improved menu of image equalising.
ASTAP ß0.9.11
Overhauled alignment menu and manual. Introduced on-line help.
ASTAP ß0.9.10c
Overhauled the PlateSolve2.exe simulation. (rename astap.exe to
PlateSolve2.exe Very fast now and FITS images are reduced to window
size for displaying in HNSKY. Some minor corrections.
ASTAP ß0.9.9a
Fixed a PNG and JPEG display problem for Nvidia graphic cards.
2018-3-14, ASTAP ß0.9.9
New internal star
alignment! No need for plate solver !
ASTAP ß0.9.7 Fixed Platesolve2
simulation. (Rename astap.exe to platesolve2.exe)
ASTAP ß0.9.5
Small improvements.
ASTAP ß0.9.4
Several small improvements, oval shape selection area for removal
ASTAP ß0.9.2,
Several small improvements
ASTAP ß0.9.1,
Added tilt measurement to CCD inspector, Added background equalization
tool under pixel math.
ASTAP ß0.9.0,
Improved vieuwer low, medium, high settings. Fixed deleting files of
ASTAP ß0.4.4,
Added multi selection in image list.
ASTAP ß0.4.3,
Improvement in
CCD inspector
and image analyser.
ASTAP ß0.4.2,
Added CCD inspector. Fixed image analyser problem.
ASTAP ß0.4.1,
Added access to Astrometry.net running in a Win10 Linux subsystem.
ASTAP ß0.4.0b,
Fixed long commands for astrometry.net
ASTAP ß0.4.0a,
Added some error messages for local astrometry.net. Improved live
reporting astrometry.net
ASTAP ß0.4.0,
First release Linux version, Several improvements.
ASTAP ß0.3.0,
Several improvements.
ASTAP ß0.2.2,
Several improvements, introduced median-equalise filter.
ASTAP ß0.2.0,
Several improvements.
ASTAP ß0.1.5,
Added mosaic equalise background mode.
ASTAP ß0.1.4,
Added sort possibility to image list. You can sort on HFD or any other
ASTAP ß0.1.3,
Stacked files are now marked as ......stacked.fit and ignored
tried to stack again. Adapted tiff 32 bit export to full
Moved naxis3 up to position 5 in the keywords. Finding
is now done at the beginning of stacking (if header
is not
ASTAP ß0.1.1a
Fixed some minor things. Simplied pixel size for
astrometry.net solver.
ASTAP ß0.1.1
Many small improvements. CMD console is now monitored and if
closed action is taken.
ASTAP ß0.1.0
Added SIP (Simple Imaging Polynomial)
support, Write FITS files
as multiple of 2880 bytes. Fixed several small things.
ASTAP ß0.0.9a
Fixed color conversion using astrometry.net, added
from first FITS to stacked image. Log follows resizing of stack menu.
Improved Windows interface,. Adaption to PixInSight -32 bit
ASTAP ß0.0.8
Fixed some problems including using PlateSolve2.
ASTAP ß0.0.7a
Fixed Digital development Process for color and some small
ASTAP ß0.0.7 Improved
viewer menu and performance. Improved export routine including streched
TIFF files and variable JPEG compression. Select the correct file in
file dialog.
ASTAP ß0.0.5
New dark filter.
ASTAP ß0.0.4
Added a FITS crop function using the right mouse button.
ASTAP ß0.0.3
Fixed a dark subtraction problem in mode average.
ASTAP ß0.0.2
New name ASTAP. Added digital development and several other
ASTAP ß0.0.1
Added Astrometry.net local and several improvements.
ASTAP ß0.0.0e
Fixed regional decimal seperator problem.